Monday 10 April 2017


Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.

1. So more than anybody else she was the one most interested in knowing what

happened next in the story and used to insist that I read the serial out to her.

(a) Where and when did the story appear?

(b) Who is referred as she? Why did she want the serial read out to her?

(c) What is meaning of the word – ‘insist’?

The story ‘Kashi Yatre’ appeared as a serial in the Kannada weekly magazine. The

magazine came every Wednesday and one episode of the story appeared in the


The narrator’s grandmother liked the story and wanted the narrator to read out the

story to her because she was illiterate.

insist – demand something forcefully.

2. We would eat and play endlessly, savouring the freedom because all the elders

were busy. I went for a couple of days but ended up staying there for a week.

(a) What does ‘we’ stand for?

(b) Where did the narrator go and why?

(c) Give the synonym of the word – ‘endlessly’

The ‘we’ stands for the author and her cousins. They went for a wedding to the neighbouring village.

Synonym of the word – ‘endlessly’ is continuously.

 3. .......made me sit down on the stool. She gave me a gift of a frock material. Then

she did something unusual.

(a) Where was the narrator called and by whom?

(b) What unusual thing did she do and why?

(c) Give the antonym of the word –‘unusual’.

The narrator was called by her grandmother to the pooja room on Dassara day.

She touched the feet of her granddaughter as a mark of respect. The

granddaughter taught her grandmother to read .This feat was achieved as per the
deadline that the grandmother had set for herself.

Antonym of the word –‘unusual’ – usual

Answer the following in 30-40 words.

(a)‘ Kashi Yatre’ by Triveni. What is the story about?

Triveni’s Kashi Yatre talks about an old lady who wants to visit Kashi because as

per the Hindu belief, going to Kashi and worshipping Lord Vishweshwara is the

ultimate punya.

An orphan girl needed money for her marriage; the old lady sacrificed all her

savings and got the orphan girl married to a man of her choice. The old lady finds

the happiness of the young girl more important than her visit to Kashi.

(b) Why did the grandmother ensure that all her children and grandchildren studied


The grandmother lost her mother when she was very young. She had nobody to

look after her and guide her. She never went to school and got married at a very

young age. Then, she had children and became busy. She regretted not going to

school. So she made sure that her children and grandchildren studied well.

(c) How does the grandmother justify touching her granddaughter’s feet?

The grandmother touches her granddaughter’s feet as a gesture of respect and

gratitude who though her granddaughter, was her teacher too. And on that

occasion, she was acknowledging her teacher’s role in making her literate. She

mentions the scriptures where it is written that a teacher should be respected

irrespective of the gender and age.

Answer the following in 80-100 words.

(a) When did the grandmother realize the worth and value of being literate?

The grandmother liked listening to her granddaughter read to her the weekly

episode of the novel ‘Kashi Yatre’ that appeared every Wednesday in the Kannada

magazine – ‘Karmaveera’.

Once the granddaughter went with her cousins to the neighbouring village for a

wedding She was to be away for only a couple of days but ended up staying for a


In the meantime, the magazine came and the grandmother being illiterate couldn’t

read the next part of the story. She felt dependent and helpless. It is then that she

realized the worth and value of being literate and makes up her mind to learn the

Kannada alphabet.

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