Monday 16 October 2017


DIWALI HOLIDAY HOMEWORK for 10th std (to be done in notebook)

Q1. During his exams , mostly Lapis was perplexed ,so he decides to write an article ’Should Examinations be Abolished’. Help Lapis complete his article in about 150 words by providing sufficient reasons for the same.

Q2. With a view to promote the habit of reading newspaper, The Times of India is organizing an event of article writing competition for students of 12 to 16 years. As an avid reader you are highly influenced with this step and you decide to write to the editor of Times for promoting  compulsory participation in such activities for the specific age group mentioned above, in about 120-150 words.

Q3. Editing                                                            Incorrect         Correct
a)the office goer were standing at the                          ________           ______               
b)bus stop when four commandos rushing                  ________           ______               
c)into difference buses.                                                  ________           ______               
d)after some times,one of them                                     ________           ______               
e)comes out with two young men                                 ________           ______ 
f)and soon the another commandos                             ________           ______ 
g)jointed  him. They took                                              ________           ______ 
h)him away in a police van.                                          ________           ______ 

Q4. Fill in the blanks with grammatically appropriate words.

Tokyo was rocked by its a)________earthquake in more than a year today, but escaped b)_______ little damage because it c)_______ centered far beneath the floor of the Pacific Ocean. The quake d)_______ struck with a magnitude of 6.9 rector scale ,e)_______large buildings f)_______ back and forth.

*NIE article cum write up is to be counted in subject enrichment activity of term II*(submission date 30/10/17)

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