Monday 27 August 2018

9th Std My Childhood

My Childhood

Extract Based Questions

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1:
During the annual Shri Sita Rama Kalyanam Ceremony, our family used to arrange boats the middle of the pond called Rama Tirtha which was near our house.

a) What was the annual event held in Rameshwaram ?
b) Where did the boats carry the idols of the Lord ?
c) Find a word from the passage that means “images of God”.

a)The annual event held in Rameshwaram was Shri Sita Rama Kalyanam Ceremony.
b)The boats carried the idols of the Lord in the middle of the pond on the site of the marriage ceremony or function.
c) Idols.

Question 2:
During the annual Shri Sita Rama Kalyanam Ceremony, our family used to arrange boats with a special platform for..............
........the bedtime stories my mother and grandmother would tell the children in our family.

a) How did the speaker’s family help in Shri Sita Rama Kalyanam Ceremony?
b) What light does the passage throw on speaker’s family ?
c) Find the word in the passage which means the same “the place where some event takes place”.


a) The speaker’s family used to help in Shri Sita Rama Kalyanam Ceremony by arranging boats with a special platform for carrying idols.
b) The passage shows that the speaker’s family is a truly secular family which respected other religions also.
c) Site.

Question 3:
After school, we went home and told our respective parents about the incident. Lakshmana Sastry summoned the teacher,............................................ Lakshmana Sastry conveyed ultimately reformed this young teacher.

a) What brought about a change in the teacher ?
b) What kind of society did the speaker live in ?
c) Find the word/phrase in the passage which means “strong opinion or belief”.


a) The strong sense of conviction that Lakshmana Sastry conveyed brought about a change in the teacher.
b) The speaker lived in a society which was truly secular.
c) Conviction.

Question 4:
His wife watched us from behind the kitchen door. I wondered whether she had observed any difference .................When I visited his house next week, Sivasubramaniam Iyer’s wife took me inside her kitchen and served me food with her own hands.

a) Why did the teacher’s wife watched them from behind the kitchen door ?
b) Why was the narrator hesitant to eat food, with a Hindu family ?
c) Find the word from the passage that means “to deal with”.


a) The teacher’s wife believed in the segregation of different people. She did not want APJ Kalam to enter her kitchen and serve food.She as a result hid behind kitchen door and saw everything.
b) The narrator felt hesitant to eat food with a Hindu family because he felt he was not welcomed in the family.Confronted One day, he invited me to his home for a meal. His wife was horrified at the idea of a Muslim boy being invited to dine in her ritually pure kitchen. She refused to serve me in her kitchen.
c) Confronted .

Why did A.P.J. Abdul Kalam call his childhood a secure childhood ?
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam called his childhood a secure one because he had loving and caring parents.He had all necessary things which included food, clothes, medicine, etc.

Question 6)
Do you think the new teacher deserved the treatment meted out to him ? Why/why not ?
Yes, he deserved the treatment meted out to him. He was spreading the poison of communal intolerance among the young minds which was a serious crime. If a teacher indulges in such a mean act he deserves no sympathy.

Question 7)
What was the difference in the attitudes of the science teacher and his wife towards A.P.J. Abdul Kalam ?
Though his science teacher was an orthodox Hindu, he broke the social barriers, and mixed with other religions and communities. He invited Abdul home and served him meals and even sat and ate with him. On the contrary, his wife was conservative and refused to serve Abdul.

Question 8)
How did Second World War give opportunity to Kalam to earn his first wages ?
Kalam’s cousin was a news agent. Train halt at Rameshwaram station was suspended. So, the newspapers were bundled up and thrown out from a moving train. Kalam helped his cousin to catch the bundles. He was given money for it.

Question 9)
How does Abdul Kalam describe his mother ?
Abdul Kalam describes his mother by saying that she was an ideal wife and a gentle lady. He learnt from his mother to be gentle and kind. She even used to feed a lot of outsiders every day.

Question 10
What did Abdul Kalam’s family do during the annual Shri Sita Ram Kalayanam Ceremony ?
Abdul Kalam’s family arranged for a boat with a special platform for carrying the idols of Lord Shri Sita Ram from the temple to the marriage sites situated in the middle of a pond called as Rama Tirtha. His parents even told him stories from the Ramayana.

Question 11)
What characteristics did Abdul Kalam inherited from his parents ?
Abdul Kalam inherited honesty and self discipline from his father and faith in goodness and kindness from his mother. Like his parents even he respected all religions.

Q12)“Once you decide to change the system, such problems have to be confronted.” What system is being refer in the sentence from the chapter “My Childhood”? What are such problems ?
System means system of discrimination on the basis of religion. The system includes the narrow-mindedness and poison of social inequality and communal intolerance. The Brahmins did not allow Muslims to enter their kitchen. The science teacher – a rebel by nature, invited Kalam to his home and proved that if one is determined to face problems and change the system, he will definitely succeed. Though, such indifferences come in everybody’s life but a person should have a broader outlook and overcome the obstacles.

Question 13)
What incident took place at the Rameshwaram Elementry School when a new teacher came to the class ?
Kalam used to wear a cap and Ramanandha Sastry wore a sacred thread which marked him to be a Brahmin. When the new teacher came he could not tolerate a Hindu priest’s son sitting with a Muslim boy. He ordered Kalam to go and sit on the back bench. This made Ramanandha sad. Abdul started to sit in the last row but it left a bad impression on Abdul. Both the kids narrated the incident to their parents. As a result the teacher was rebuked and reprimanded for spreading communalism and hatred among children.

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