Sunday 1 September 2019

10th Std Glimpses of India-Coorg

10th Std Glimpses of India-Coorg

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:

1. Coorgis are hospitable by nature. Explain.

Ans. Coorgis are a proud race of martial men and beautiful women. They are very hospitable and entertain their guests by relating stories of bravery of their great grandfathers and fathers.

2. Why are the people of Coorg known as descendants of the Arabs?

Ans. The theory of the people of Coorg as descendants of the Arabs draws support from the long, black coat with an embroidered waist-belt worn by the Kodavus known as kuppia. It resembles the kuffia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds in those countries.

3.Why is Coorg called the land of rolling hills?

Ans. Coorg is called the land of rolling hills because it has a lot of hills and is itself a hill station. The hills seem to roll down in a panoramic view.

4.Describe the natural beauty of Coorg.

Ans. Coorg is situated midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore in Karnataka state. It is a beautiful region of ‘rolling hills’ and lush green rainforests. It is famous for coffee, spices and wildlife.

5.Describe the wildlife of Coorg.

Ans. A large freshwater fish abound in these waters. Kingfishers dive for their catch. Squirrels and langurs drop partially eaten fruit and enjoy the splash and ripple effect. Elephants enjoy bathing in the river.

6.The people of Coorg have a tradition of courage and bravery. How has it been recognized in modern India?

Ans. Coorgis are a proud race of martial men and beautiful women. They are very hospitable and entertain their guests by relating stories of bravery of their sons and fathers. Coorg soldiers are brave. Coorg regiment is one of the most decorated ones in the Indian army.Corgies are the only people who are permitted to carry firearms without a licence.

7. What do you know about Bylakuppe’ as mentioned in the lesson, ‘Coorg’?

Ans. `Bylakuppe’ in Coorg has India’s largest Tibetan settlement.

8. What idea of Coorg do you from? What opportunities does Coorg offer to a tourist?

Ans. Coorg is the smallest district of Karnataka, situated midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. It is a beautiful region of ‘rolling hills’ and lush green rainforests. It is famous for coffee, spices, and rain forests. It is also famous for hospitality, valour, wildlife and adventure sports.

9. What does the writer say about Coorg?

Ans. The writer says that Coorg is the smallest district of Karnataka. It is known as Kodagu also. Coorg lies between the coastal town of Mangalore and Mysore. It is a very beautiful place. The writer says that it must have come from the kingdom of God.

10. What is Coorg famous for? What is the best season to visit Coorg?

Ans. Coorg is famous for its coffee plantations, evergreen rainforests and spices Thirty per cent of its area is covered with the evergreen rainforests The best season to visit this place is from September to March. The air is full of coffee flavour.

11 What does the writer say shout the people of Coorg?

Ans. the write’ says that the people of Coorg are independent and brave. They are of Greek or Arabic descent. According to a story, a part of Alexander’s army did not return and was settled here. They married among the locals. This culture can be seen in the martial traditions, marnage and religious customs.

12. What supports the theory that the people of Coorg originated from the Arabs?

Ans. According to a theory, the people of Coorg originated from the Arabs. It is evident from the long, black coat worn by the people. It is like the kuffia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds.

13. What does the writer say about the bravery of the Coorgi people?

Ans. The writer says that the Coorgi people are brave people. Their tales of bravery are famous. The Coorg regiment is one of the most decorated in the Indian Army. The first Chief of the Indian Army, General Cariappa, was a Coorgi. Even today, the Kodavus are the only people in India who are allowed to carry firearms without a licence.

Q14. Describe the geographical location of Coorg.

Ans. Coorg or Kadagu is the smallest district in Karnataka. It lies between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. This piece of heaven may also be called the land of rolling hills. It is the home of evergreen rainforests, spices and coffee plantations. During the monsoons, Coorg has a lot of rains.

Q15. Describe the people and culture of Coorg.

Ans. Coorg is inhabited by a proud race of martial men, beautiful women and wild creatures. Coorgi homes have a tradition of hospitality. There are many tales of valour related to the people of Coorg. The Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated in the Indian Army. General Cariappa, the first Chief of the Indian Army, was a Coorgi. Kodavus are the only people in India permitted to carry firearms without a licence.

Q16.Describe the climate, birds and animals of Coorg.

Ans. During the monsoons, Coorg has a lot of rains. It pours enough to keep many tourists away. The best tourist season starts from September and continues till March. The very air of Coorg smells of Coffee. Kingfishers, squirrels, langurs, wild elephants, bees and butterflies abound in the rainforests of Coorg.

Q17.Describe the possible descent of the people of Coorg.

Ans. The people of Coorg, their rituals and traditions are quite different from the Hindu mainstream. According to one story. a part of Alexander’s army travelling the coast, settled here as their return became impractical. So, the are believed to be of Greek origin. The Coorgi dress, a long, black coat with an embroidered waist-belt resembles the Kuffia worn by the Arabs: So, some think that they are of Arabic origin.

Q18. How has the tradition of courage and bravery been recognised in modern India? Give examples from the text.

Ans. The people of Coorg are known for I being fiercely independent, brave and courageous. There are numerous tales of valour connected with the people of Coorg. The Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated regiments in the Indian Army. The first Chief of the Indian Army, General Cariappa, was a Coorgi. The Coorgis are the only people in India who are permitted to carry firearms without a licence.

Q19. Describe the origin of Kaveri and the area around it.

Ans. The river, Kaveri, originates from the hills and forests of Coorg. Mahaseer a large freshwater fish abound in these waters. Kingfishers dive for their catch. The squirrels and langurs drop half-eaten fruit for the mischief of enjoying the splash and ripples in the clear water. A walk across the bridge leads to the sixty-four-acre island of Nisargadatta.

Q20. How do the most laidback individuals become the life of high-energy adventures in Coorg?

Ans. Coorg offers many outdoor high-energy adventures. Even the most laidback individuals become converts to the life of high-energy adventures. They enjoy river rafting, canoeing, rappelling, rock climbing and mountain biking. Numerous walking trails in Coorg are a favourite with trekkers.

Q21. Where and how can we have a panoramic view of the misty landscape of Coorg from?

Ans. The tourists are advised not to miss a climb to the Brahmagiri hills. The climb to the Brahmagiri hills gives you a panoramic view of the entire misty landscape of Coorg. Then you can walk across the rope bridge. It will lead you to the sixty-four-acre island of Nisargadhama.

Q22. Describe the largest Buddhist settlement in Coorg.

Ans. Below the rolling hills lie the largest Tibetan settlement in India in Coorg. The Buddhist temple at Bylakuppe is famous for its grandeur and beauty. The monks in their red, ochre and yellow robes represent the heart and soul of India, right here in Coorg.

Q.1. Where is Coorg situated? What is it famous for?

Ans. Coorg is the smallest district of Karnataka. It is known as Kodagu also. Coorg lies between the coastal town of Mangalore and Mysore. It is a very beautiful place. The writer says that it must have come from the kingdom of God. Coorg is famous for its coffee plantations, evergreen rainforests and spices. Thirty per cent of its area is covered with the evergreen rainforests. The best season to visit this place is from September to March. The air is full of coffee flavour.

Q.2. What does the author say about the people of Coorg?

Ans. The writer says that the people of Coorg are independent and brave. They are of Greek or Arabic descent. According to a story, a part of Alexander’s army did not return and was settled here. They married among the locals. This culture can be seen in the martial traditions, marriage and religious customs. According to another theory Coorg people originated from the Arabs. It is evident from the long, black coat worn by the people. It is like the kuffia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds. Coorgi homes haves tradition of hospitality. They are brave people. Their tales of bravery are famous. The Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated in the Indian Army. The first Chief of the Indian Army, General Cariappa, was a Coorgi. Even today, the Kodavus are the only people in India who are allowed to carry firearms without a licence.

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