Tuesday 28 April 2020



Q1 Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the
ones given below. Write the answer in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole passage.

i. Bar codes (a)__________ the necessary information regarding a product to the
customer as well as to the owner. (b) ________ there are many types of bar
codes in use, the internationally famous one is Universal Product Code (UPC).
In UPC, there are small black and white bars (c) _______varying thicknesses with
spacing between them, printed on packages. To read this, a bar code reader (d) ___________ a bar code scanner is used.

(a) (i) have given (ii) give (iii) gave (iv) has given
(b) (i) moreover (ii) hence (iii) nevertheless (iv) although
(c) (i) of (ii) for (iii) in (iv) on
(d) (i) so (ii) but (iii) or (iv) and

ii. The road to success is not a bed of roses Only those (a) _______ wade
through hazards and hurdles (b) ________ achieve success. One must set
clear goals (c) ___________ oneself and define precisely what one wants to
do. Winners do not do different things, (d) _________ do things differently.

(a) (a) who (ii) what (iii) whom (iv) that
(b) (i) should (ii) shall (iii) could (iv) can
(c) (i) by (ii) for (iii) of (iv) on
(d) (i) us (ii) them (iii) they (iv)we

Q2 In the following passages one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word in each sentence of the given paragraph, along with the word
that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided.
                                   Before Missing After
The World Trade
Fair was grand
affair.                      E.g was    a.       grand
It was inaugurated
the President of India. (a)____  ____  ____
Many countries
displayed latest (b)  ______  _____  ______
items tradefor the
Indian market. (c) ______ _______ ______
A largegathering
of Indian foreign (d)______ _____ ______
business men present
at the event. (e)  _____ _______ _________

                                   Before Missing After
Her duties the
day were over.     E.g duties.    for.     the
She had scrubbed
floor of the kitchen,(a)____ _____ ______
washed the vessels,
dried them placed (b) _____ _____ _____
them the wooden
shelf.She kept (c)  _______ ______ _______
the broom the closet
 near the kitchen (d) ______ _____ ______
and walked of the
kitchen quietly. (e)_______ ______ _______

Q3 Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful
(a) 12,000 species/all over/there are/of ants/the world/more than
(b) who/social insects/they are/small colonies/live in
(c) of millions/ant colonies/of ants/can consist
(d)vibrations/in/the/through/by/feeling/their feet/ants ‘hear’/ground
(e) its own/can lift/bodyweight /an/ ant/20 times

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