Saturday 18 July 2020

10th Std From the diary of Anne Frank

10th Std From the diary of Anne Frank

Extract based questions

1.Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me. Not only because I chin in my hands, bored and listless, wondering whether to stay in or go out.

(a) To whom does I refer in the given passage?
(b) ‘Paper has more patience than people’ – Why did Anne Frank say that?
(c) Find a word in the passage that means ‘deep thought’.
(d) Which word in the passage is a synonym of lethargic?
(a) ‘I’ refers to Anne Frank in the given passage.
(b) Anne Frank said that ‘Paper has more patience than people’ because one can rely on the paper to confide his/her secrets and it listens carefully and silendy without being judgmental.
(c) The word is ‘musing’.
(d) The word is ‘listless’.

2.Let me put it more clearly, since no one will believe that a thirteen-year-old girl is completely alone ................ and unfortunately they’re not liable to change. This is why I’ve started the diary.

(a) Why was Anne Frank disturbed even when she had loving parents, relatives and friends?
(b) Why did Anne decide to write a diary?
(c) Find the word that means the same as ‘unluckily’.
(d) what do you mean by 'confide in somebody'.
(a) Anne Frank was disturbed even after being surrounded by so many people because she didn’t have any true friend.
(b) Anne decided to write a diary because she could not confide in anyone and felt lonely.
(c) The word is unfortunately.
(d) It means tell somebody your secrets or personal information.

3.To enhance the image of this long awaited friend in my imagination................. I’d better provide a brief sketch of my life, much as I dislike doing so.

(a) Who was the long awaited friend of Anne? Why?
(b) What did she provide in her diary?
(c) Find a word from the extract which means the same as ‘submerge’.
(d) To write down the idea as and when it occurs in mind is ceiled
(a) The diary named ‘Kitty’ was the long awaited friend of Anne, because she had no true friend in her life with whom she could share her feelings and thoughts.
(b) She provided a brief-sketch of her life and her family in her diary.
(c) It is called jotling down.

4.That evening, after I’d finished the rest of my homework, the note about the essay caught my eye. I began thinking .................... and that there’s not much you can do about inherited traits.

(a) What is the main feature of an essay according to Anne?
(b) What did Anne argue in the essay? Why?
(c) What does the idiom ‘caught my eye’ means?
(d) What do you understand by inherited traits?
(a) The main feature of an essay is ‘to give convincing arguments’ in support of the necessity to talk.
(b) Anne argued that talking was a student’s trait and she got it from her mother so nothing could done about this inherited trait.
(c) ‘Caught my eye’ means ‘to attract attention’.
(d) It means a particular quality of one’s personality which one inherits from parents.

5.However, during the third lesson he’d finally had enough. ‘Anne Frank, as punishment ...........................with this ridiculous subject, but I’d make sure the joke was on him.

(a) Why did Mr Keesing her teacher ask her to write another essay?
(b) Why did Anne want to write the essay with the help of her friend Sanne?
(c) Find out the word which means ‘deserving or inviting mockery’.
(d) The word ……. means the ability to invent things and solve problems in a clever and new way.
(a) Mr Keesing asked her to write another essay as punishment because she had not stopped talking in the class.
(b) Anne wanted to write the essay with something original so she sought help from Sanne her friend, who suggested her to write the essay in verse.
(c) The word ‘ridiculous’ means ‘deserving and inviting mockery’.
(d) The word is ‘ingenuity’.

6.I finished ray poem, and it was beautiful! It was about a mother duck ............................. haven’t been assigned any extra homework. On the contrary, Mr Keesing’s always making jokes these days.

(a) Why did the father duck kill the baby ducklings?
(b) What happened when Mr Keesing read the essay?
(c) Find out the word from the passage which means ‘given’.
(d) Find the meaning of the word ‘On the contrary’.
(a) The father duck killed the baby ducklings because they quacked too much.
(b) When Mr Keesing read the essay, he understood the feelings of Anne and allowed her to talk. He also started to make jokes thereafter.
(c) The word is ‘assigned’.
(d) The word is ‘inversely opposite’.

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