Tuesday 24 August 2021

10th std Black Aeroplane MCQs


Black Aeroplane


1. What was coming up in the east behind the pilot?

(A) the moon

(B) the sun

(C) the stars

(D) all of the above


2. Which plane was the author flying?

(A) Dakota

(B) Boing-47

(C) Mig-29

(D) none of the above


3. Which country was the pilot flying over?

(A) England

(B) France

(C) India

(D) Italy


4. Which country did the pilot belong to?

(A) England

(B) France

(C) India

(D) Italy


5. What happened when the pilot had covered a distance of 150 kilometres from Paris?

(A) he saw another plane

(B) a strong wind began to blow

(C) a heavy rain began to fall

(D) there were storm clouds all around


6. Inside the clouds how was everything?

(A) green

(B) fresh

(C) black

(D) all of the above


7. What happened as the plane entered the storm clouds?

(A) the aeroplane jumped and twisted in the air

(B) the compass was dead

(C) the other instruments were suddenly dead

(D) all of the above


8. When the author’s plane was caught in the storm who came to help him?

(A) another aeroplane

(B) a helicopter

(C) a god

(D) all of the above


9. How did the author follow the strange aeroplane?

(A) like a disciplined soldier

(B) like an obedient boy

(C) like a mischievous boy

(D) all of the above


10. What made the pilot frighten again while following the strange aeroplane?

(A) the density of the storm

(B) the technical problem in the engine

(C) the shortage of fuel

(D) all of the above


11. What did the pilot notice when he was safe at the airport?

(A) the other plane was still in the sky

(B) the sky was empty

(C) the other plane was following him

(D) none of the above


12. What was the advice of Paris control?

(A) turn to twelve degrees east

(B) turn to twelve degrees west

(C) turn to twelve degrees south

(D) turn to twelve degrees north


13. How many fuel tanks were there in the plane DS 088?

(A) one

(B) two

(C) three

(D) four


14. Did Paris Control hear the pilot the second time he called?

(A) yes

(B) no

(C) maybe

(D) not know


15. Who is the author of the lesson ‘The Black Aeroplane’?

(A) Cynthia Moss

(B) Frederick Forsyth

(C) Kofi Annan

(D) Liam O’Flaherty

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