Wednesday 11 September 2024




ISSUING AUTHORITY– By whom or by which organisation the poster is being published.

TAGLINE OF THE EVENT– it has to be in accordance with the question. A catchy tagline for the occasion. It should be clearly visible. Thus, it can be bold, underlined or in capitals.

TITLE OF THE EVENT- it should be short and as per the question.

SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS– This is optional. For example:- Guest speaker, etc.

ILLUSTRATION- It involves pictorial representation/s. For eg., a drop of blood for a blood donation camp.

DATE, TIME AND VENUE- It is very important to mention date, time and venue of the event. It is a point you cannot risk forgetting.

CONTACT INFORMATION– In case of any queries, the targeted audience should have someone to contact to.

Issuing authority- It Is Issued In Public Interest.(at the last)

OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION– If there is any other information mentioned in the question and is supposed to be there in the poster, it is important you mention it.

—It should be in a box.
—Make sure you double-check for grammatical accuracy and spellings. They carry marks.
—Pictorial representation is a must, use pencil colours

Make sure it fits within one page only.
Use sharpened pencils/ colours pencils
Bold or underline important information.

No usage of short forms or slangs. It is not acceptable.
Don’t exceed the prescribed word limit.

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