Wednesday, 24 February 2016

conjunction-practice sheet

QI. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with a word from the box. You

may use a word more than once.

and or but yet so

1. We went to the book fair to buy books _______have fun.

2. You can take this chair____ that one over there.

3. You can have this seat ______ not that one.

4. Molly is very conscious of her health, ________ she exercises regularly.

5. This book is supposed to be a best seller, ____________ few people have


6. You must be friendly _______ you will not have any friends.

7. I like watching movies _______ only at the theatre.

8. I go for morning walk every day ___________ still have time to do yoga.

9. The organizers claimed that the tickets were sold out, __________ there
were many seats vacant in the auditorium.

10.We wanted the best seats, ______ we bought the expensive tickets.

Q II. Complete the following passage by using the following conjunctions:

but, before, if, because , so, and.

Do you eat breakfast? Its is important to eat breakfast____________ it gives

you the energy you need to begin the day. Some people eat lunch___________

dinner, _____________ skip breakfast. Many people claim they do not have time

to prepare breakfast ____________ going to work, __________ they skip the meal.

_______________ you don’t have a healthy breakfast, you will feel tired or sleepy

after a few hours. It is therefore important that we make an effort to eat

breakfast every day.

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