Sunday 10 July 2016



Choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below to complete the following passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. (½ x8=4 Marks)

 Three years ago, fresh (a)__________ of school, I (b) _________ the intimidating task of choosing a career (c) __________ college started. My uncle, (d) __________ of the elders of the family, suggested (e) _________ I do a summer job (f) __________ a multinational company followed by a month of social service with an NGO. He said that (g) __________ that I could (h)___________ which carrer to choose.

a)    (i) from (ii) out (iii) in (iv) when

b) (i) in (ii) was (iii) have (iv) had 

c) (i) for (ii) after (iii) before (iv) as 

d) (i) are (ii) was (iii) one (iv) who 

e) (i) when (ii) that (iii) which (iv) as

 f) (i) in (ii) on (iii) for (iv) at 

g) (i) before (ii) then (iii) after (iv) in 

h) (i) made (ii) decision (iii) make (iv) decide

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