Sunday 3 July 2016

The Brook - Poetic devices:

Poetic devices:

I come from haunts of coot and hern... the whole poem is personified

sudden sally – alliteration

bicker – onomatopoeia

By thirty hills I hurry down- inversion

By thirty hills I hurry down, By twenty thorpes a little town – repetition

Till last by Philip’s farm I flow- Inversion, Alliteration

Men may (Alliteration)

Come may go (Antithesis)

chatter`, ‘trebles`, ‘babble` - Onomatopoeia

“With many a curve my banks I fret” – Inversion.

“fairly foreland”,” with willow seed” – Alliteration

I wind about and in and out – Antithesis

.........about and – Alliteration

Line (3) and ........................

(4) ........... Repetition............. and in and out – Antithesis.........about and – Alliteration

Line (3) and........................

and here and there...................... Repetition

here and there – Antithesis

foamy flake, golden gravel –Alliteration

All along, men may – Alliteration

Men may – Repetition

Come ................go – Antithesis

skimming swallows – sandy shallows – Alliteration

murmur – Onomatopoeia

And out again I curve and flow – Inversion

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