Friday 11 November 2016


Fill in the blanks using appropriate connectors from the box.

nonetheless   in addition    unless    instead     furthermore         although        moreover

therefore     despite    whereas    otherwise    however   in fact     hence

1. She got the job _____________ the fact that she had very little experience.

2. My sister's hand-writing is always so neat, _____________ mine is a total mess.

3. I lost the game, but I told myself that I had improved a lot _____________.

4. You'd better wear a helmet when you go roller-blading. _____________, you could

hurt yourself.

5. Reading is an excellent way to increase your vocabulary. _____________, it can also

help you improve your grammar.

6. The student's essay was badly written. _____________, it was too short.

7. Wine will spoil if exposed to light; _____________ wine bottles are usually green or


8. Alcohol can delay your reaction times; _____________, you should never drink and


9. _____________ we have talked about the dangers of smoking to the students

before, I think the information bears being repeated.

10. Their prime minister is an incompetent leader. _____________, his government is

financially irresponsible.

11. In March of 1999, more than 130 nations signed a United Nations Treaty banning

land mines; _____________, the United States, Russia and China did not sign.

12. He was an absolute failure in medical school, so he decided to try law


13. Margaret Mead once observed, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,

committed citizens can change the world. _____________, it's the only thing that

ever has."

14. You are not eligible for a subsidized bus pass _____________ you are a full-time


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