Friday 11 November 2016


Put the connectors in the table under the given headings.

consequently, if, all in all, similarly, before, first, than, before, however,

therefore, moreover, because, instead, so that, in that case, unless, in

conclusion, furthermore

Contrast, Result, Summing Up, Addition, Comparison, Connected in

time, Reason, Condition

B. Join the sentences given below using an appropriate connector from

the brackets.

1. Juhi was supposed to go to the circus last evening __________ she

could not go ______ she was running a fever. She hopes to go ____ she

feels a little better. (when, but, as)

2. __________ the ban on honking, many motorists continue to honk

incessantly ____________ racing down Centre Street in their super fast

cars.(while, despite)

3. A herd of cows continued to block traffic in town ________ they were

driven away by the traffic policeman. (when, till)

4. The new students were taken to the principal’s cabin for a briefing.

_____________ the head boy gave them a tour of the school. (during

this time, after that)

5. The work has been delayed ________________ a shortage of funds. (in

spite of, due to)

6. The procedure has been simplified _____________ to save time and

money. (in order to, due to)

7. Their team has got the best players. _____________, their coach is

fantastic. (However, Moreover)

8. Their team has got the best players. ______________, they lost the last

game. (Moreover, Nevertheless)

9. I have never been to Canada, _____________ having relatives there.

(despite, as well as)

10. ________________ it was time well-spent. (in order that, all in all)

11. Sanya likes to exercise ____ her back bothers her when she does so.

(but, but still)

12. Sonam has a bad back _____ exercises daily. (but still, but)

13. Sonam must swim everyday ______ her back remains flexible and

strong. (so that, for)

14. Sonam took to swimming everyday at the club ______________ her

back does not bother her now. (consequently, so)

15. If she did not exercise she would get ____ heavy _____her clothes

would not fit. (so.....that. so...much)

C. Join the sentences given below using the connectors given in the box.

since , that , consequently, although, nevertheless, In spite of,

Ritu was invited to the Navratri celebrations at her friend’s house.

____________she had a bad headache,

she dressed for the evening - __________she did not want to disappoint her friend.

 The drive through Main Street took longer than expected ____________the huge crowds

spilt over onto the carriageway. __________the presence of a traffic

policeman there was a traffic jam at the junction. ______________,

there was much honking from impatient drivers that added to the

cacophony and worsened Ritu’s headache.__________________, she

continued to inch her car forwards making her way through the sea

of people and cars.

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