Sunday 25 February 2018



Section B (Writing and Grammar) 30 marks

3. (a) With the rise in traffic jams on the roads and vehicle accidents, the local
police authorities are trying to encourage the use of public transport. You feel   
that this will greatly reduce congestion on the roads during peak hours.
Write an article in about 100-120 words on the benefits of using public
transport for daily commuting. You are Sumit/ Sumita Sharma, 35 High
Street, Jodhpur.                                                                                              (8 )            


(b) You are Vinit/Vinita of Green Forest High School, Patiala, looking for
auditoriums to host your Annual Function. Write a letter in 100-120 words to
the Manager, Kent Auditorium enquiring about the venue, availability, seating
capacity, charges, etc. Write about other necessary details.

4. (a) Enjoyed going for long walks– visit to Dehradun—huge forest – taking
shortcut through the woods, a tree toppled pinning me underneath. Then...... (12)

(b) We were caught in a storm. Fortunately we came across a broken down hut.
As soon as we opened the door ................

5. Fill in any four of the following blanks by choosing the most appropriate
option from the ones given below. Write the answers in your answer sheet 
against the correct blank numbers.                                                            (4)    
A We know the harmful effects of plastic bags, (a)...... people don’t stop
B throwing them about. Every year , it leads to (b)...... drains and flooded
C roads. The government (c)....... to check the use of plastic bags.
D The people (d)........ contribute in this endeavour. Without the support
E of the common man, the government cannot achieve (e) ..........

(a) (i) while (ii) when (iii) because (iv) yet
(b) (i) to block (ii) blocked (iii) block (iv) blocking      
(c) (i) were trying (ii) are trying (iii) is trying (iv)try
(d) (i) must (ii) may (iii)might (iv) shall
(e) (i) successful (ii) succeed (iii)successfully (iv) success

6. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the
missing word, in any four sentences of the given paragraph, along with the
word that comes before and the word that comes after in the space provided.    (4)

                                                                                          Before      Missing Word      After
The popular musical rhythm known Forro                       E.g known        as             Forro
originated in the northeast Brazil. This                             (a)
music style played by a combination of three                   (b)
instruments, an accordion ,a triangle and
zazumba.                                                                            (c)
Other instruments can added to compose a
Forró song                                                                          (d)
Forró can only be danced in pairs and is easier
Samba.                                                                               (e)

7. Rearrange any four of the word clusters to make meaningful sentences.     (4)

(a) and interesting events / who collect information/ reporters are people/about/important
(b) write articles/about /some of them/ for newspapers/ these events
(c) news reports/ others / or television programs/ on radio/ give
(d) before sending/ investigating news/ most of/ in / is spent /a report / their time
(e) irregular schedules/ kind of work/ and travel/demands/ long hours/ this

Section C (Literature) 30 marks

8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
Write the answer in your answer sheet in one or two lines only.               (1x4= 4)

(a) “We want a verse that says how much we loved him and refers to all his
good qualities and says what a heavy loss we’ve had.”
i. Who is referred to as ‘him’?
ii. Why did they need a verse?
iii. What objection was raised to the idea of the obituary in the form of a verse?
iv. Find the antonym of ‘loss’.
"The doctors were doing all they could, but in our hearts we knew we needed
a miracle".
i. Who is the speaker of the above lines?
ii. Who is being addressed?
iii. What miracle is the speaker talking about?
iv. Find the synonym of ‘marvel’

9. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 - 40 words each. (2 x4=8)
i. Who was Miss Mebbin? Was she really devoted to Mrs. Packletide? How did
she behave during the tiger shooting?
ii. Do you agree with the frog’s assessment that the nightingale is a brainless
iii. What for was Patol Babu wanted by the film production company? Why did
Nishikanto Babu suggest his name?
iv. When one of the boys said, “We are not complaining, Sir.” What do you learn
of their character?
v. How does the poet react after hitting the snake?

10. Attempt any one out of the two following long answer type question in 
100-120 words.                                                                                                   (8)

(a) Write a character sketch of Mark Antony.

(b) What does Shelley teach us about mighty rulers and the passage of time through the poem –‘Ozymandias’?

11. Answer the following question based on prescribed novel text for
extended reading in about 200 – 250 words.                                                      (10)

(a) Describe Helen Keller’s experience at Radcliffe. Why did she say, ‘But
college is not the universal Athens I thought it was?’

(b) Give a brief character sketch of Arthur Gilman.

Question Bank

Question Bank (only for practice )

Grade: X                                                                                            Maximum Marks:80
Subject: English                                                                                Duration: 3 hours

General Instructions:
(i) This question paper is divided into three sections:
Section A – Reading 20 marks
Section B – Writing and Grammar 30 marks
Section C – Literature 30 marks

(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) You may attempt any section at a time.
(iv)All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

Section A(Reading) 20 marks

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that
1. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an American
animal rights organization, a non-profit corporation with 300
employees, has three million members and supporters and is the
largest animal rights group in the world. Its slogan is "Animals are not
ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment or abuse in
any way."
2. Founded in March 1980 by Newkirk and fellow animal rights activist
Alex Pacheco, the organization first caught the public's attention in
the summer of 1981 during what became known as the Silver Spring
monkey case. The case lasted ten years, involved the only police
raid on an animal laboratory in the United States, triggered an
amendment in 1985 to Animal Welfare Act, and established PETA as
an internationally known organization. Today it focuses on four core
issues-opposition to factory farming, fur farming, animal testing, and
animals in entertainment.
3. PETA runs several programs through its Community Animal Project
for cats and dogs in poorer areas of Virginia, near its headquarters.
They shelter neglected dogs and cats that are ill and injured, and
pursue cruelty cases. They set up dog houses with straw bedding for
dogs chained outside all winter. They urge population control through
neutering and adoption from shelters.
4. PETA argues that it would have been better for animals had the
institution of breeding them as ‘pets’ never emerged, that the desire to
own and receive love from animals is selfish, and that their breeding,
sale, and purchase can cause immeasurable suffering. They would
like to see the population of dogs and cats reduced through neutering,
and for people never to purchase animals from pet shops or breeders,
but to adopt them from shelters instead.
5. PETA supports hearing dog programs where animals are taken from
shelters and placed in appropriate homes. PETA also opposes the
keeping of fish in aquarium tanks, suggesting that people view
computer videos of fish instead.
Attempt any eight of the following questions on the basis of the passage
you have read.                                                                 1x8= 8

i. What is the slogan of PETA?
ii. What made PETA an internationally known organization?
iii. What are the issues focused on by PETA?
iv. How does Community Animal Project work?
v. What are the arguments forwarded by PETA?
vi. What are the suggestions of the organization related to fish?
vii. How can the population of dogs and cats be reduced?
viii. How does hearing dog programs help the animals?
ix. Which word in paragraph no.2 means the same as ‘change and correction’?

2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that
1. As summer comes near, many children are really happy to forget
about school for a few months. However, they might be taking that
goal too seriously. Studies have found that children typically forget
between one and three months’ worth of school learning during the
summer months.
2. Spelling and math abilities suffer the most, while reading is not really
influenced by the time off. The most probable reason for this is that
most children read at least occasionally outside of the classroom,
whether newspapers, magazines, books, or video game guides.
However, their math and spelling skills only get exercised in the
school setting.
3. The original purpose of summer vacations was to let farm children
have time off to help work in the fields in the high growing season, but
this reason is no longer valid since fewer kids actually work on farms
today. Some cities in the United States, such as Los Angeles, have
moved to a year-round school calendar, which may help reduce the
academic decline that occurs during the long summer vacation.
4. Most cities maintain the normal nine and a half-month calendar.
To improve skills and to maintain a good level of preparation,
superintendents recommend trips to museums, summer camps,
vacations with educational components, and visits to libraries to keep
kids mentally alert and interested throughout the summer. There are
other educational systems that provide vacations while still keeping
students’ skills sharp. For example, in Japan students attend class for
seven weeks consecutively, followed by two weeks of vacation. This
continues throughout the year. In Italy, students attend class six days
per week, but finish at 1:30 pm each day, so that school does not
dominate their life the way that it does in America, where students
attend high school from 7:45 am until 3:00 pm each week day.
5. In areas where there are not enough classrooms—in Afghanistan or
Somalia, for example—older students attend classes in the morning
while the younger kids go to school in the afternoon. School
administrators and educational specialists fear that the three-month
summer vacation halts the continuity of learning.

2. 1 On the basis of your reading the passage, answer any four of the
following questions in about 30 – 40 words each.                 2x4= 8
(a) What should be done to keep kids mentally alert and interested
throughout the summer?
(b) Which skills are influenced by the time off? Why?
(c) What is the difference between the education system in Italy and America?
What is the worry of school administrators and specialist?
(d) What was the original purpose of summer vacations?

2. 2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, fill in any two of the
following blanks with appropriate words / phrases.               1x2= 2

i. Studies have found that during the summer months children typically
forget ............................................................
ii. In Japan students attend class.......................
iii. In areas where there are not enough classrooms ...........................

2.3 Attempt any two of the following. Find out the words from the passage
that mean the same as under.                                                     1x2= 2

i. decrease (Paragraph 3 )
ii. take over (Paragraph 4)
iii. affected by (Paragraph 2)

Section B (Writing and Grammar) 30 marks
3. (a) Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in about 100-120 words 8
expressing your views on the topic 'Saving the beauty of nature is in the
hands of every common man'. You may recall ideas from the MCB unit
'Environment'. You are Nitish / Nishita of 85, Curzon Road, New Delhi.


(b) You are Akash / Akshata Patil, P.E teacher of Morning Dew Public
School, Jaipur. Write a letter to New Star Sports Company, Gandhi
Market, Mumbai, asking him to send the following sports material for your
games and sports department: Foot Ball (10 Nos), Cricket Bats (10 Nos)
, Cricket Balls (20 Nos) , Tennis racquets (10 nos) ; Tennis Balls (20
Nos). Add other necessary details.

4. (a) Sohan was running around the basketball court while waiting for his
friends to join him for their routine Sunday game. Suddenly, something
caught his attention towards the dark corner of the paper recycling unit
and then.................                                                                            (12)


(b) The stadium looked festive, all were excited, when I entered and

5. Fill in any four of the following blanks by choosing the most appropriate
option from the ones given below. Write the answers in your answer
sheet against the correct blank numbers.                                               (4)

A Eating nuts may help reduce risk factors (a)...... many chronic diseases.
B Nuts (b) ......... a mix of valuable vitamins and minerals.
C They (c)......... by people in India largely during winter.
D (d)............, they must not be consumed in excessive quantities.
E They are used generously in the (e)......... of Indian desserts.
(a) (i) by (ii) for (iii) on (iv) at
(b) (i) contain (ii) contained (iii)contains (iv)containing
(c) (i) consume (ii) is being consumed (iii)consumed (iv) are consumed
(d) (i) moreover (ii) consequently (iii)however (iv)In addition
(e) (i) prepare (ii) preparation (iii)preparing(iv) prepared

6. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write
the missing word, in any four sentences of the given paragraph, along
with the word that comes before and the word that comes after in the
space provided.                                                                        4

                                                                                                  Before      Missing Word     After
The city of Singapore celebrated 50th                                  E.g celebrated        its           50th
anniversary pomp and splendour.                                          (a)
Fighter jets flew across sky and the                                       (b)
people given free rides on buses                                            (c)
and trains. The celebration ended with
grand                                                                                      (d)
show fireworks after the military parade.                               (e)

7. Rearrange any four of the word clusters to make meaningful sentences.              4
(a) getting /ways/ the/ running /one /is /of /best / of / fit.
(b) and/ requires / inexpensive /it’s / equipment /no special.
(c) easily / routine / everyday /can /your / it / with /fit in.
(d) swimming /lots more /calories / burns /running /per minute /than /or
(e) helps / risk of / heart disease/ reduce / running/ to

Section C : Literature 30 marks

8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
Write the answer in your answer sheet in one or two lines only.
(a) CAESAR: And you are come in very happy time,

To bear my greeting to the senators
And tell them that I will not come to-day:
CALPURNIA: Say he is sick.
i. Whom does Caesar greet in the first line? Why had he come to
Caesar’s house?
ii. Why did Caesar decide not to go?
iii. How was the person addressed to by Caesar able to persuade him to
iv. Find the synonym of ‘convey’

The Wedding-Guest he beat his breast,
Yet he cannot choose but hear;
And thus spake on that ancient man,
The bright-eyed Mariner
i. What was the ancient man telling the Wedding-Guest?
ii. Why was Wedding-Guest beating his breast?
iii. What do we know about the appearance of the ancient mariner?
iv. Find the antonym of ‘bright’

9. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 - 40 words each. 2 x4=8
i. How has the author potrayed the main characters in the story- Mrs.
Packletide’s Tiger’ i.e. Mrs. Packletide, Miss Mebbin and Loona
Bimberton? Cite instances from the story that point to this fact.
ii. How did Michael come to know about Sebastian’s condition?
iii. Why did Patol Babu walk away before he could be paid for his role?
iv. “Tortured by doubt and remorse, he sat down in the glow of the charcoal
sigri to wait.” Why was he tortured by doubt and remorse?
v. What kind of stories did Jenkins want the narrator to write? Why?

10. Attempt any one out of the two following long answer type question
in 100-120 words.                                                                                       8
(a) In the drama – ‘The Dear Departed’, Which instances from the text reveal
that the daughters were more concerned with putting on a show for the
old man’s funeral rather than the old man?

(b) Taking the nightingale as a trainee worked in the frog’s favour. Explain.

11. Answer the following question based on prescribed novel text for
extended reading in about 200 – 250 words.                                           10
(a) How did Helen pass her time when she was not reading?


(b) Mr. Keith played a pivotal role in developing Helen’s interest in mathematics.

9th std REVISION TEST PAPER (only for practice)

REVISION PAPER (only for practice)

Section A (Reading)

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:  12
1. Food, clothing and shelter are the basic human needs. However, there are
many who barely manage to acquire the first two necessities but the third
remains beyond their reach. A large section of the population therefore lives
and sleeps at public places, like roads, pavements and streets under
unhygienic conditions and is categorized as the ‘homeless population’.
2. Homelessness is a growing phenomenon worldwide and is a major challenge
faced by India today. People from rural areas are moving to the cities and
towns to find employment, or to escape calamities like floods, famine and
3. Rural poverty is the most fundamental reason for the great migration to the city.
The poor people are not in a position to pay for housing, food, child care, health
care, and education. The vast majority of these men and women are farmers
and farm labourers who in their villages lack resources and opportunities for an
economically active life.
4. The deinstitutionalizing of the patients with mental problems and disability,
drugs and alcohol abuse, lack of skills stemming from a lack of education with
which to find an adequate job also contribute to the homeless population. The
most vulnerable sections experiencing homelessness are the women, children
and the aged, as an outcome of death of male adult earning member and
sometimes due to domestic violence.
5. Hence, homeless persons are heterogeneous in terms of their age-group,
gender, livelihoods, place of origin and the reasons for living in the street.
6. Homelessness is more than ‘rooflessness’. A home provides roots, identity,
and a sense of belonging and a place of emotional wellbeing. Homelessness is
about the loss of all of these. It is an isolating and destructive experience and
homeless people are some of the most vulnerable and socially excluded in our
7. Most of the homeless are not beggars but many of them are engaged as
casual wage labourers, construction labourers, shoe-shiners, rag-pickers and
as domestic help.
8. In spite of the gravity of the problem and our limited resources, providing
shelter to the homeless is not an insurmountable problem, it is a ‘manageable
challenge’. You can give hope and opportunity to people and help them have a
home of their own.

1.1 Answer the following questions: 2x4=8
(i) What is the main reason for people migrating from rural areas to cities?
(ii) What are the other reasons for ‘homelessness?
(iii) In what way are the homeless persons ‘heterogenous’?
(iv) What kind of jobs are most of the homeless engaged in?

1.2 Answer the following. 1x4=4
(i) What does a home provide?
(ii) How does the writer term the problem of ‘homelessness’?
(iii) Explain the idiom - ‘to remain beyond one’s reach’
(iv) Give the ‘antonym’ of the word ‘vulnerable’

Section B (Grammar)

1. The resort is built on top of the mountain 10,000 feet (a)....... sea level. There
are several tall trees (b) ....... the complex. The weather is pleasant even (c)
...... the month of May. 1x3=3

(a) (i) along (ii) above (iii) across (iv) after
(b) (i) among (ii) between (iii) around (iv)before
(c) (i) of (ii) at (iii) on (iv)in

2. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each
line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example. 1 x4=4
                                                                                                         Error  Correction
We were tired on cycling in the hot sun and hungry e.g.                   on         of
so we rested underneath a tree. We had been on the                    (a)
road from 5 in the morning. We hoped to reach                           (b)
our destination in 6 pm . We ate a simple lunch                           (c)
at a small eatery cross the road.                                                    (d)

3. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful
sentences. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. 1x 3=3

(a) meet / to see / different places / because / I travel / I love / and / different
(b) me / the sense / it gives / of freedom / enjoy / I
(c) me / to forget / sometime / It / pleases / my duties/ and / responsibilities/ for

Section C (Literature)

4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
(i) A tall old man, with a smooth face and white hair looking as proud as Julius
Caesar was there to meet her. His clothes were frazzled but I didn’t notice that till
later.                                                                                                          1x4=4

(a) Who is the tall man whom Pescud saw?
(b) Who is ‘her’?
(c) Why did the speaker later notice that the old man’s clothes were ‘frazzled’?
(d) Why did the speaker follow her?

(ii) Bishop : That is why they are left open. 1x4=4
Convict : Well, they are shut now!
Bishop : (sighs) For the first time in thirty years.

(a) What are ‘they’? Why were ‘they’ left open?
(b) Why are they shut now?
(c) Why weren’t they shut for thirty years?
(d) What was the Bishop not afraid of?

5. Answer the following in 30-40 words. 2x1=2
(a) Why was Pescud shocked when he saw the girl and the father going up the hill?
(b) What grouses does Persome have about her brother?

6. Answer the following question in 80-100 words. 6x1=6
(a) Pescud describes Jessie as ‘Nothing spectacular, you know, but just the sort you
want for keeps’. Why did Pescud want Jessie ‘for keeps’ in the story ‘Best Seller’?
(b) In the end realization dawns upon the convict that he is a man again and not a
wild beast. Who was responsible for this change in the convict and what qualities
would you associate with him?

8. Answer the following question in 150-200 words: 10x1=10
(a) What impression of Jerome do you form after reading the novel? Support with

9th std Three Men in a Boat Ch 14 to 19

Three Men in a Boat Ch 14 to 19

 Answer the following questions in 150-200 words:

(a)Describe the experience of the three friends preparing the Irish stew.
It was George who suggested that an Irish stew should be cooked. The
suggestion was liked as the friends could use vegetables, cold meat and other
things in making it. George gathered wood and made a fire. Harris and the
narrator started to peel the potatoes. But peeling the potatoes turned out to be
a long, arduous task. The peeling was abandoned in favour of scraping the
potatoes. Only four potatoes came to be peeled. George said it was absurd to
have only four potatoes in the Irish stew. Harris and the narrator, then, washed
about six potatoes and put them in without peeling. They also put in a cabbage
and some peas. George stirred it all up. Then many odd things were also put in
the stew. A tin of potted salmon was emptied into the pot. The narrator brought
out a couple of eggs that had cracked. The eggs were also put in. Many other
things went into the pot. The dog, Montmorency, came out with a dead water- rat.
It was his contribution to the stew. Harris wanted to put the rat in. But
George said he had never heard of water-rats in Irish stew. The Irish stew was a
grand success. The three friends enjoyed it. The narrator felt that he had never
enjoyed a meal more than this. The stew was a dish with a new flavour. It was
nourishing, too. After the stew, the friends had tea and cherry-tart. Harris was
in an irritable mood. The narrator thought that it must have been the stew that
had upset him.

(b) Describe the fight between Harris and the swans.
Harris brought back George and the narrator on the island. The friends found
unaccountable strangeness about Harris. He looked tired, and there was a sad
expression on his face. When George and the narrator asked him if something
had happened, he said, “Swans!” Harris, then, told them that he fought with two
swans – a female swan and her old ‘man’. He was able to defeat them.
Afterwards the two swans returned with eighteen other swans.Harris said that
a bitter fight followed. George asked how many swans he said there were.
Harris replied that they were thirty-two. When George said that he had said
eighteen, Harris said he hadn’t, and that he had said twelve. Soon the friends
realized that Harris was in a drunken state. In the morning when they talked to
him on the subject, Harris said, “What swans?” The story was obviously not
true. It was Harris’s figment of imagination in his drunkenness.

(c) The description of the story of the woman who took her life is so heart-rending
 that it actually raises a question against the vices prevalent in our society. Express your
opinion on the fate met by the woman.
The narrator was pulling the boat a little above Reading. Suddenly George saw
something black floating on the water. It was the dead body of a woman. Her
face was not beautiful. It was prematurely aged – looking thin and drawn. Some
men on the bank took charge of the body, much to the relief of the friends. The
friends learnt about the story of the dead woman thereafter. She had loved and
been deceived, or had deceived herself. She had sinned in giving birth to a
child while she was still unmarried. Her family and friends had closed their
doors on her. She tried to keep her child and herself alive on six shillings a
week, which was almost impossible. She made one last appeal to her friends.
When no one came to her rescue, she drowned herself in the river, leaving
behind her child. She had, thus, sinned in living and in dying.

(d) What was the reality of the trout and how was it revealed?
George and the narrator entered the parlour of a riverside inn. There on the wall
they saw an old glass-case in which there was a big trout. They had given the
impression that they were total strangers to the place. George asked an old
man how much he thought the trout in the glass-case weighed. The old man at
once said “eight pounds six ounces”. Then he told them that it was he who had
caught the fish with a minnow some sixteen years ago. After a while, he went
out. The local carrier came in. He claimed that it was he who had caught the
fish just below the lock, with a fly. He said the fish weighed twenty-six pound.
Then, after a while, another man came and said he had caught the fish with a
bleak. The landlord came and made fun of all previous claimants. He said that it
was actually he who had caught the fish when he was a boy, having bunked the
class. When the landlord went out, George climbed up on the back of a chair to
have a better view of the fish. The chair slipped, and George clutched wildly at
the trout-case to save himself. It came down with a crash, with George and the
chair on top of it. The trout lay shattered into a thousand fragments as it was

(e) Once George and the narrator escaped a fatal accident at a lock. Narrate the
 incident in your own words.
It was a pleasant day. The lock was crowded. A photographer was ready to
click. George who was fond of being photographed sat down in the boat in a
graceful pose. The narrator also took up a position in the prow. He arranged his
hair and changed his expression that suited him. As they stood, a voice
shouted: “Hi! Look at your nose.” The narrator stole a slide glance at George’s
nose. It was all right. He also felt his own nose, which seemed to be as it should
be. “Look at your nose, you stupid ass!” came the same voice again. Then a
voice came, “Look at your boat, sir!” It made both George and the narrator
aware of something which they had missed. The nose of their boat had got
fixed under the woodwork of the lock. The water level was rising around.
In another moment both the friends would have got drowned. They each seized
an oar instantly, and with a vigorous blow released their boat. The blow sent
them sprawling on their backs. The photograph which was clicked then showed
only their feet waving madly in the air.

(f) Describe the experience of the three friends when they were caught in incessant
rain while rowing.
When the friends started their homeward journey from Oxford, they were
caught in incessant rain. It grew chilly as the rain continued. It sounded as if a
woman were weeping low in some dark chamber. The whole scene looked dull,
as there was no sunlight. The three friends – George, Harris and the narrator
felt sad and lonely, though for some time they pretended to be enjoying the
rainfall. They said that it was a change, and that they could not expect to have
sunshine all the time. They tried to hide their true feelings. They sang songs
and played cards. George and Harris began to talk of those who fell ill while
sleeping in the damp, rainy weather. Their talks about death and diseases only
upset them. Then George was asked to play a song on the banjo. George
played the song. The sad tune had its effect on Harris and the narrator. After
the song, the three friends were able to have some sleep, though it was fitful.

(g) ‘George has never learnt to play the banjo to this day’. Why does the author
 say this?
George tried to play the banjo but he could not learn to play it properly. When
he played it at home, the landlady would come and stop him saying, “I like you
playing banjo, but the lady upstairs is expecting a child. The doctor is afraid
that it might harm the child.” George then began to play the banjo round the
square at night. But on the complaint of the inhabitants of being disturbed, he
was caught by the police, which released him on the promise that he would not
play the banjo for six months. When the situation did not change even after six
months, he sold it at much reduced price. When the boating trip started, be
bought a new banjo, hoping to have time to learn to play it. But again, he was
discouraged. Harris objected to it. He said he had had a headache. When
George said that the music would remove headache, Harris said he would
rather have a headache than listen to his banjo. Even Montmorency would sit
and howl steadily through his performance. George got irritated and tried to hit
the dog with a boot. Thus, George gets no time to learn to play the banjo, as the
author tells us.

(h) Under what circumstances was George told to play a comic song? What was
 the effect of the comic song ‘Two Lovely Black Eyes’ on others?
It had been raining incessantly. The spirits of the three friends were low. They
tried to pass their time. They sang a song about a gypsy’s life. They also spent
some time in playing cards. They also drank some toddy. George told them
how a young man died after having slept in a damp boat due to rheumatic fever.
Harris also told a similar story about a friend of his, who became a lifelong
cripple after having slept under a canvas for just one night. The narrator
wanted to listen to something pleasant. So he asked George to play the comic
song Two Lovely Black Eyes’ on his banjo. No one had asked him to play banjo
under any other circumstance. George at once brought out his banjo and began
to play the song. The sad tune had its effect on Harris and the narrator. Harris
sobbed and the dog howled. After the music, the friends managed to get some
fitful sleep.

(i) What led to the friend’s abandoning their boat in the last leg of their trip?
The boat started from Oxford upon the homeward journey. It began to rain
shortly. The three friends rowed the whole day through the rain. At first they
pretended to enjoy the rain. They sang a song about gypsy life. The rain
continued. Everything in the boat was damp. The supper was not a success.
The friends tried to have a nap and while away their time in gambling. George
told them how a man in a damp boat caught rheumatic fever and died. Harris
told about a man who slept under a canvas one night and woke up a cripple for
life. A pleasant talk about diseases followed. George played ‘Two Lovely Black
Eyes’ on his banjo. His friends liked the tune. They became quite sentimental.
The rain continued to pour down. The friends decided to continue to pull on to
Pangbourne. Then George suggested that a train leaves Pangbourne after five,
which would take them to the town in time to get a chop in the restaurant
mentioned by the narrator earlier. Having agreed to the suggestion, the friends
left the boat with a boatman at Pangbourne and walked stealthily to the railway

(j) Write the character sketch of Harris.
Harris is an important character. He is quite pretentious in so far as his cooking
is concerned. He makes tall claims about preparing scrambled eggs which his
friends must not have eaten in their lifetime. The way he makes mess of
everything while preparing these eggs is quite amusing. He burns his fingers,
curses everything and dances about in confusion. He is also whimsical. Once
at Datchet he along with his friends came to an inn named the Manor House. He
rejected the inn simply because he did not like the looks of a man stooping
there. Once he gets drunk and forgets that he is to bring his friends back to the
island. In his drunkenness he makes a funny tale of his fights with ‘swans’.
When he regains his senses he asks his friends “What swans?” He is
somewhat suspicious. He slips into a gully covered with grass and comes out
in a very bad state. He is in an irritable mood. He blames his friends for the

(k) What impression of George do you form after reading the novel? Support with
George is an important member of the rowing party. He learnt rowing quite late
and has had some bad experiences. He loves to get up late to enjoy his sleeps.
Whenever he gets early he feels very irritable. Once he had a very bad
experience of getting up early at Mrs. Gippings. He went out at 3 a.m. thinking that
it was about to be 9 a.m. He became a suspect in the eyes of the
policemen. He is not as jolly as the narrator. When the narrator wets his shirt
accidentally, he gets angry and does not view it as a funny incident. He is fond
of playing the banjo. The narrator and Harris do not have good opinion about
his ability to play the banjo well. However, they become sentimental when
George plays ‘Two Lovely Black Eyes’. In a country inn he deliberately goads a
man to make a story about the trout in the glass-case. It reveals his
mischievous nature. He is also practical. He knows that rowing in a continuous
rain may prove to be harmful. So he suggests abandoning the boat and
reaching their destination by train.

(l) What do you think of Montmorency, the dog, in the novel ‘Three Men in a Boat’?
Support with examples.
Montmorency is not portrayed as a mere dog. In fact, he is treated at par with
the human members of the rowing party. He is a fox-terrier who are clever,
adventurous and fighters. Montmorency does not like cats. Once he saw a big
black cat. He began to run after the poor cat. The cat showed no hurry. It sat
down in the middle of the road. The look of the cat was such that Montmorency
had to stop and look back at the cat. After a while, the cat went away.
Montmorency came back, embarrassed. If anybody now says “cats” to
Montmorency, he shrinks and looks up piteously at him as if to say “please
don’t”. Montmorency is adventurous. Whenever he saw the boiling kettle, it
seemed to challenge him. He got an opportunity once to seize it by the spout.
With a loud yelp it left the boat and took a round of the island, running and
stopping every now and then to bury his nose in cool mud. From that day he
began to dread the kettle. Montmorency is a fighter by nature. At Oxford he had
eleven fights on the first day and fourteen on the second. He was so happy that
he thought he had got to Heaven.