Sunday 25 February 2018



Section B (Writing and Grammar) 30 marks

3. (a) With the rise in traffic jams on the roads and vehicle accidents, the local
police authorities are trying to encourage the use of public transport. You feel   
that this will greatly reduce congestion on the roads during peak hours.
Write an article in about 100-120 words on the benefits of using public
transport for daily commuting. You are Sumit/ Sumita Sharma, 35 High
Street, Jodhpur.                                                                                              (8 )            


(b) You are Vinit/Vinita of Green Forest High School, Patiala, looking for
auditoriums to host your Annual Function. Write a letter in 100-120 words to
the Manager, Kent Auditorium enquiring about the venue, availability, seating
capacity, charges, etc. Write about other necessary details.

4. (a) Enjoyed going for long walks– visit to Dehradun—huge forest – taking
shortcut through the woods, a tree toppled pinning me underneath. Then...... (12)

(b) We were caught in a storm. Fortunately we came across a broken down hut.
As soon as we opened the door ................

5. Fill in any four of the following blanks by choosing the most appropriate
option from the ones given below. Write the answers in your answer sheet 
against the correct blank numbers.                                                            (4)    
A We know the harmful effects of plastic bags, (a)...... people don’t stop
B throwing them about. Every year , it leads to (b)...... drains and flooded
C roads. The government (c)....... to check the use of plastic bags.
D The people (d)........ contribute in this endeavour. Without the support
E of the common man, the government cannot achieve (e) ..........

(a) (i) while (ii) when (iii) because (iv) yet
(b) (i) to block (ii) blocked (iii) block (iv) blocking      
(c) (i) were trying (ii) are trying (iii) is trying (iv)try
(d) (i) must (ii) may (iii)might (iv) shall
(e) (i) successful (ii) succeed (iii)successfully (iv) success

6. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the
missing word, in any four sentences of the given paragraph, along with the
word that comes before and the word that comes after in the space provided.    (4)

                                                                                          Before      Missing Word      After
The popular musical rhythm known Forro                       E.g known        as             Forro
originated in the northeast Brazil. This                             (a)
music style played by a combination of three                   (b)
instruments, an accordion ,a triangle and
zazumba.                                                                            (c)
Other instruments can added to compose a
Forró song                                                                          (d)
Forró can only be danced in pairs and is easier
Samba.                                                                               (e)

7. Rearrange any four of the word clusters to make meaningful sentences.     (4)

(a) and interesting events / who collect information/ reporters are people/about/important
(b) write articles/about /some of them/ for newspapers/ these events
(c) news reports/ others / or television programs/ on radio/ give
(d) before sending/ investigating news/ most of/ in / is spent /a report / their time
(e) irregular schedules/ kind of work/ and travel/demands/ long hours/ this

Section C (Literature) 30 marks

8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
Write the answer in your answer sheet in one or two lines only.               (1x4= 4)

(a) “We want a verse that says how much we loved him and refers to all his
good qualities and says what a heavy loss we’ve had.”
i. Who is referred to as ‘him’?
ii. Why did they need a verse?
iii. What objection was raised to the idea of the obituary in the form of a verse?
iv. Find the antonym of ‘loss’.
"The doctors were doing all they could, but in our hearts we knew we needed
a miracle".
i. Who is the speaker of the above lines?
ii. Who is being addressed?
iii. What miracle is the speaker talking about?
iv. Find the synonym of ‘marvel’

9. Answer any four of the following questions in 30 - 40 words each. (2 x4=8)
i. Who was Miss Mebbin? Was she really devoted to Mrs. Packletide? How did
she behave during the tiger shooting?
ii. Do you agree with the frog’s assessment that the nightingale is a brainless
iii. What for was Patol Babu wanted by the film production company? Why did
Nishikanto Babu suggest his name?
iv. When one of the boys said, “We are not complaining, Sir.” What do you learn
of their character?
v. How does the poet react after hitting the snake?

10. Attempt any one out of the two following long answer type question in 
100-120 words.                                                                                                   (8)

(a) Write a character sketch of Mark Antony.

(b) What does Shelley teach us about mighty rulers and the passage of time through the poem –‘Ozymandias’?

11. Answer the following question based on prescribed novel text for
extended reading in about 200 – 250 words.                                                      (10)

(a) Describe Helen Keller’s experience at Radcliffe. Why did she say, ‘But
college is not the universal Athens I thought it was?’

(b) Give a brief character sketch of Arthur Gilman.

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