Sunday 25 February 2018

9th std REVISION TEST PAPER (only for practice)

REVISION PAPER (only for practice)

Section A (Reading)

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:  12
1. Food, clothing and shelter are the basic human needs. However, there are
many who barely manage to acquire the first two necessities but the third
remains beyond their reach. A large section of the population therefore lives
and sleeps at public places, like roads, pavements and streets under
unhygienic conditions and is categorized as the ‘homeless population’.
2. Homelessness is a growing phenomenon worldwide and is a major challenge
faced by India today. People from rural areas are moving to the cities and
towns to find employment, or to escape calamities like floods, famine and
3. Rural poverty is the most fundamental reason for the great migration to the city.
The poor people are not in a position to pay for housing, food, child care, health
care, and education. The vast majority of these men and women are farmers
and farm labourers who in their villages lack resources and opportunities for an
economically active life.
4. The deinstitutionalizing of the patients with mental problems and disability,
drugs and alcohol abuse, lack of skills stemming from a lack of education with
which to find an adequate job also contribute to the homeless population. The
most vulnerable sections experiencing homelessness are the women, children
and the aged, as an outcome of death of male adult earning member and
sometimes due to domestic violence.
5. Hence, homeless persons are heterogeneous in terms of their age-group,
gender, livelihoods, place of origin and the reasons for living in the street.
6. Homelessness is more than ‘rooflessness’. A home provides roots, identity,
and a sense of belonging and a place of emotional wellbeing. Homelessness is
about the loss of all of these. It is an isolating and destructive experience and
homeless people are some of the most vulnerable and socially excluded in our
7. Most of the homeless are not beggars but many of them are engaged as
casual wage labourers, construction labourers, shoe-shiners, rag-pickers and
as domestic help.
8. In spite of the gravity of the problem and our limited resources, providing
shelter to the homeless is not an insurmountable problem, it is a ‘manageable
challenge’. You can give hope and opportunity to people and help them have a
home of their own.

1.1 Answer the following questions: 2x4=8
(i) What is the main reason for people migrating from rural areas to cities?
(ii) What are the other reasons for ‘homelessness?
(iii) In what way are the homeless persons ‘heterogenous’?
(iv) What kind of jobs are most of the homeless engaged in?

1.2 Answer the following. 1x4=4
(i) What does a home provide?
(ii) How does the writer term the problem of ‘homelessness’?
(iii) Explain the idiom - ‘to remain beyond one’s reach’
(iv) Give the ‘antonym’ of the word ‘vulnerable’

Section B (Grammar)

1. The resort is built on top of the mountain 10,000 feet (a)....... sea level. There
are several tall trees (b) ....... the complex. The weather is pleasant even (c)
...... the month of May. 1x3=3

(a) (i) along (ii) above (iii) across (iv) after
(b) (i) among (ii) between (iii) around (iv)before
(c) (i) of (ii) at (iii) on (iv)in

2. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each
line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example. 1 x4=4
                                                                                                         Error  Correction
We were tired on cycling in the hot sun and hungry e.g.                   on         of
so we rested underneath a tree. We had been on the                    (a)
road from 5 in the morning. We hoped to reach                           (b)
our destination in 6 pm . We ate a simple lunch                           (c)
at a small eatery cross the road.                                                    (d)

3. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful
sentences. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. 1x 3=3

(a) meet / to see / different places / because / I travel / I love / and / different
(b) me / the sense / it gives / of freedom / enjoy / I
(c) me / to forget / sometime / It / pleases / my duties/ and / responsibilities/ for

Section C (Literature)

4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
(i) A tall old man, with a smooth face and white hair looking as proud as Julius
Caesar was there to meet her. His clothes were frazzled but I didn’t notice that till
later.                                                                                                          1x4=4

(a) Who is the tall man whom Pescud saw?
(b) Who is ‘her’?
(c) Why did the speaker later notice that the old man’s clothes were ‘frazzled’?
(d) Why did the speaker follow her?

(ii) Bishop : That is why they are left open. 1x4=4
Convict : Well, they are shut now!
Bishop : (sighs) For the first time in thirty years.

(a) What are ‘they’? Why were ‘they’ left open?
(b) Why are they shut now?
(c) Why weren’t they shut for thirty years?
(d) What was the Bishop not afraid of?

5. Answer the following in 30-40 words. 2x1=2
(a) Why was Pescud shocked when he saw the girl and the father going up the hill?
(b) What grouses does Persome have about her brother?

6. Answer the following question in 80-100 words. 6x1=6
(a) Pescud describes Jessie as ‘Nothing spectacular, you know, but just the sort you
want for keeps’. Why did Pescud want Jessie ‘for keeps’ in the story ‘Best Seller’?
(b) In the end realization dawns upon the convict that he is a man again and not a
wild beast. Who was responsible for this change in the convict and what qualities
would you associate with him?

8. Answer the following question in 150-200 words: 10x1=10
(a) What impression of Jerome do you form after reading the novel? Support with

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