Thursday 21 June 2018

9th std The sound of music

Q1 Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) They called her name and she didn’t move. I suddenly realized she hadn’t heard,”
says Isabel Glennie. For quite a while, Evelyn managed to conceal her growing
deafness from friends and teachers. But by the time she was eleven, her marks had
deteriorated and her headmistress urged her parents to take her to a specialist.
i. What made Isabel Glennie suspect Evelyn’s hearing ability?
When Evelyn was eight years old and her name was called to play the piano,
she did not respond. This made her mother suspect that something was wrong.
ii. Why did the headmistress advise Evelyn’s parents to consult a specialist?
The headmistress advised Evelyn’s parents to consult a specialist because by
the time she was eleven, her marks had deteriorated.
iii. What caused her deafness?
It was discovered that her hearing was severely impaired as a result of gradual
nerve damage.
iv. Find the antonym of the word ‘reveal’

(b) As for music, she explains, “It pours in through every part of my body. It tingles in the
skin, my cheekbones and even in my hair.”
i. How does Evelyn hear the sound of the Xylophone?
When Evelyn plays the piano, she can sense the sound passing up the stick
into her fingertips.
ii. Why does she remove her shoes on a wooden platform?
Evelyn removes her shoes on a wooden platform that vibrations pass through
her bare feet and up her legs.
iii. How is Evelyn able to understand what people speak?
Evelyn is able to understand what people speak not just by watching the lips
but also the whole face, especially the eyes.
iv. Give the synonym of the word ‘tingles’
pricks/ stings

(c) When he played on it, closing and opening some of these holes, soft and melodious
sounds were produced. He played the instrument before royalty and everyone was impressed.
i. Who is referred to as ‘he’? What was he playing?
A barber from a family of musicians who had access to the royal palace is
referred to as ‘he’. He was playing an improved version of the instrument
ii. How did he make the instrument?
He chose a pipe with a natural hollow stem that was longer and broader than
the pungi and mad seven holes on the body of the pipe.
iii. Why did he make the instrument?
The playing of the musical instrument ‘pungi’ had been banned by Emperor
Aurangazeb because it had a shrill unpleasant sound.
iv. Give the synonym of the word ‘melodious’
mellow, pleasant, lyrical

(d) And for this reason it is still played in temples and is an indispensable component of
any North Indian wedding. In the past, it was part of the naubat or traditional
ensemble of nine instruments found at royal courts.
i. Which instrument is being referred to? What kind of instrument is it?
The instrument being referred to is the Shehnai. It is a wind instrument.
ii. Why is the instrument played in temples and North Indian weddings?
The sound of the shehnai began to be considered auspicious so it is still played
in temples and is an indispensable component of any North Indian wedding.
iii. What change did Ustad Bismillah Khan bring about in the instrument?
The credit for bringing the shehnai on to the classical stage goes to Ustad
Bismillah Khan.
iv. Find the antonym of the word ‘unnecessary’

Q2 Answer the following in 30 to 40 words.
(a) What is Evelyn’s message for success?
Evelyn confesses that she is something of a workaholic. She has to work, often
harder than classical musicians but the rewards are enormous. According to
Evelyn, “If you work hard and know where you are going, you’ll get there.

(b) How does Evelyn speak and hear?
Evelyn speaks flawlessly with a Scottish lilt. Her speech is clear because she
could hear till she was eleven. She understands what people say not just by
watching the lips but also the whole face and eyes.

(c) When and how did Bismillah Khan get his first break?
With the opening of the All India Radio in Lucknow in 1938 came Bismillah
Khan’s big break. He soon became an often heard Shehnai player on radio.
Later on 15 August 1947 he was the first Indian to greet the nation when he
poured his heart out in playing the Raag Kafi at Red Fort.

(d) How was the ‘pungi’ improved and why was it named ‘shehnai’ ?
A barber of a family of professional musicians decided to improve the pungi .
He chose a pipe with a hollow stem that was longer and broader than the pungi .
He played the instrument before the royalty and everyone was impressed. Since
it was played by a barber . the instrument came to be named as ‘Shehnai’.

Q3 Answer the following in 100-120 words.

(a) How has Evelyn become a source of inspiration to those who are handicapped?
Evelyn has already accomplished more than most people twice her age. She
has brought percussion to the forefront of the orchestra and demonstrated that
it can be very moving. She has given inspiration to those who are handicapped.
They look at her and say-‘ If she can do it, I can’. In the words of Ann Richlin of
the Beethoven Fund for Deaf children-“She is a shining inspiration for deaf
children - they see that there is nowhere that they cannot go.”
Apart from regular concerts, Evelyn also gives free concerts in prisons and
hospitals. She gives high priority to classes for young musicians.

(b) How did Evelyn succeed in pursuing her interest in music?
When Evelyn was eleven year old, it was discovered that her hearing was
severely impaired as a result of gradual nerve damage . Her parents were
advised that she should be fitted with hearing aids and sent to a school for the
deaf. Everything looked black at that point but Evelyn did not give up. She was
determined to lead a life and pursue her interest in music.She wanted to play
the xylophone but was discouraged by her teachers. Percussionist Ron Forbes
spotted her potential and encouraged her not to listen through her ears. Evelyn
soon discovered that she could sense certain notes in different parts of the
body. She learnt to open her mind and body to sounds and vibrations.She never
looked back from that point onwards.

(c) When did young Bismillah Khan develop an interest in Shehnai?
When Bismillah Khan was three, his mother took him to his maternal uncles’s
house . Bismillah was fascinated by watching his uncle practice the shehnai.
Soon , Bismillah Khan started accompanying his uncle, Ali Bux to the Vishnu
temple of Benaras where Ali Bux was employed to play the shehnai. Bismiallah
started getting lessons and practiced for hours in solitude on the banks of the
River Ganga. The flowing waters of the Ganga inspired him to improvise and
invent raagas that were earlier considered to be beyond the range of the

(d) Why did Bismillah Khan consider Dumraon and Benaras as the most wonderful towns
of the world.?
Bismillah Khan had travelled all over the world and performed in many cities
and earned honours . He remained very fond of Dumraon and Benaras .He was
born in Dumraon and and grew up there playing the ‘gillidanda’ and singing in
At the age of three, Bismillah Khan was taken to his maternal uncle’s house . It
is there that he started getting lessons in playing the shehnai . He practiced on
the banks of the Ganga and the temples in Benaras. The flowing waters of the
Ganga inspired him to improvise and invent raagas that were earlier
considered to be beyond the range of the shehnai.
When astudent wanted him to head the Shehnai school in US and offered to
replicate Benaras , Bismillah Khan asked him if could get the Ganga there as well.

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