Thursday 21 June 2018

9th std WIND

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Wind, come softly
Don’t break the shutters of the windows.
Don’t scatter the papers
Don’t throw down the books on the shelf.
i. Write about any two destructive activities of the wind.
Two destructive activities of the winds are – (Any two)
(a) It breaks the shutters of windows
(b) It scatters the papers
(c) It throws down the books
ii. To whom does the poet make a request in the above lines?
The poet makes a request to the wind in the above lines.
iii. What appeal is made by the poet?
The poet makes an appeal to the wind not to break down the shutters of the
windows, not to scatter the papers in his room or to throw down the books from
his bookshelves.
iv. Find the antonym for the word ‘gather’

(b) There, look what you did – you threw them all down.
You tore the pages of the books.
You brought rain again.
i. What does the poet express through these lines?
The poet tells the wind, that it is the wind that is responsible for the mess in his
ii. What effect does the wind have on the poet’s books?
The wind had thrown all the books down from the bookshelves with its force and
torn pages out of those books as well.
iii. The poet does not restrict his vision only to the inside of his house. Explain.
The poet gazes outside his window and accuses the wind of having brought a
bout of rainfall with it, while approaching his house.
iv. Give the antonym for the word ‘tore’.

(c) You’re very clever at poking fun at weaklings.
Frail crumbling houses, crumbling doors, crumbling rafters,
crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives,
crumbling hearts –
the wind god winnows and crushes them all.
i. Whom does the wind trouble? How?
The wind troubles the weaklings. It makes fun of anyone who is too meek and
mild to protest against its actions.
ii. Whom does the wind crumble down?
The wind crumble’s down houses, doors, rafters, wood, weak bodies, and fragile
iii. Why has the poet used the phrase ’winnows them all’?
The wind god separates the weak from the strong and crushes the weak, just as
the light chaff is separated from the grain during winnowing.
iv. Find the synonym for the word ‘weak’.

(d) He won’t do what you tell him,
So, come, let’s build strong homes.
Let’s joint the doors firmly.
Practice to firm the body.
Make the heart steadfast.
i. What does ‘he’ stand for?
‘He’ stands for the wind.
ii. What does the poet advise us?
The poet advises us to build strong homes, join the doors firmly, and to make our
body firm and strong.
iii. ‘He won’t do what you tell him”, what does the line mean?
It means that the wind does not follow our command.
iv. Find a word from the extract that means ‘loyal/faithful’.

(e) The wind blows out weak fires
He makes strong fire roar and flourish
His friendship is good
We praise him everyday
i. How does the wind affect the weak fires?
The wind blows out the weak fires.
ii. What is the effect of the wind on strong fire?
The wind makes the strong fire even stronger and increases its power.
iii. How can we be friends with wind?
We can be friends with wind by making ourselves strong, both physically and
iv. Find the synonym for the word ‘prosper’.

Q2. Answer the following in 30 - 40 words.

1. Describe the central idea of the poem.
The poem ‘Wind’ inspires us to face the challenges thrown at us with grit and firm
determination. We should be strong enough to face all the hardships of life with
courage. Wind symbolizes problems and obstacles that we all face and go
through at some point time in our lives.

2. Why is the wind regarded as a symbol of destruction in the poem?
In the poem, first stanza depicts the destruction caused by wind. The wind breaks
the shutters of the windows, tears the pages of the books, brings rain again, and
destroys the weaker section of the world. The strong or gusty winds represent
turmoil and trouble in our life.

3. The wind blows strongly and causes a lot of destruction. How can we make friends with
Strong winds causes a lot of destruction and damage but its energy can be of
great use once we make friends with it. This can be done by taking proper
precautions and measures. For instance, we can build stronger homes, keep
ourselves strong in body and mind. We can also build windmills to harness its
energy that can be used to generate electricity.

4. Can wind ever be friend with us?
Wind, literally, can be our friend. Wind is a phenomenon which teaches us to be
strong. Our parents always teach us to be strong and determined. In difficult
times, wind wants us to bravely face our obstacles. Hence, we have to be strong
when there are obstacles in our life so that we don’t get beaten up by them.

Q3. Answer the following in 100 - 120 words.

1. What challenges are posed by wind in the life of the common man?
In our lives, wind disrupts our daily routine. It hampers and dampens the spirit of
life around. According to the poet, rain and wind were deeds of nature that are
perceived as the tempest forces which destroy the old and evil inside a man in
order to create joy and liberty in his mind. Wind is that natural phenomenon which
is very difficult to be predict accurately just as our problems which can arise from
nowhere. It can hit us at any time of our lives. For frail people, literally and
metaphorically, wind creates barriers. Winds does not let a frail body or a frail
mind survive but on the other hand if you are strong, you have the power and the
will to survive and fight back, wind can never be a threat to your living.

2. Does the poem reflect the human suffering being initiated by wind? Explain with
Wind is invisible, but the effects it has on this world are clear and evident. The
poem reflects upon both the constructive and destructive paths taken by the
wind. Wind is extreme and violent, but not necessarily legitimately with anger and
emotions. Wind creates compassion, but apathy at the same time in human life.
Wind emphasizes the passionate, intense nature of the poet, while the decay and
death inherent suggest the sacrifice and suffering of humans. We also see that
wind is a metaphor for the god’s will because its effects in this world can be both
beneficial and apparently destructive.

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