Thursday 1 November 2018

10th Std Patol Babu

Patol Babu

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. Write each answer in your answer-sheet in one or two sentences only.

1. Naresh Dun cast an appraising look at Patol Babu and gave a nod. ‘Oh yes’, he said. There is no doubt that. By the way, the shooting takes place tomorrow morning.
(i) Who is Naresh Babu?
(ii) For what did he give a nod? What do you mean by appraising look?
(iii) Where did the shooting take place?
Ans. (i) Naresh Babu is a member of a film production team.
Ans (ii) He gave a nod for he found him suitable for a role in his film. Appraising look means to consider somebody or something and form an opinion about that person or thing.
Ans (iii) The shooting took place near Faraday House.
2. Counting your chickens again before they’ re hatched, are you? No wonder you could never make a go of it.
(i) Who is the speaker?
Ans. (i) Patol Babu’s wife is the speaker.
(ii) What topic was being discussed?
Ans (ii) A role in the shoot was being discussed.
(iii) What does “make a go of it” mean?
Ans (iii) It means to become successful.
3. jolly good! Why, you are quite an actor. Sosanko, just take a look at the sky through the dark glass, will you’.
(1) Who is the speaker? What do you mean by Jolly good?
Ans. (i) Baren Mullick, the director of the film is the speaker. Jolly good means very good or excellent.

(ii) Who is being praised here?
Ans. (ii) Patol Babu’s performance is being praised here.
(iii) What has he done for which he is being praised?
Ans. (iii) He has played his minor role with perfect timing and has given a wonderful performance.
4. ‘That’s odd — the man hadn’t been paid yet. What a strange fellow!’
(i) Who is the speaker of these words?
Ans. (i) Naresh Dutt is the speaker of these words.
(ii) Who is the man he is talking about?
Ans. (ii) He is talking about Patol Babu.
(iii) Why does he call him ‘a strange fellow’? What do you mean by `odd’ here?
Ans. (iii) Patol Babu has left without taking his money. Here ‘odd’ means strange.

5. “In 1943, when he was just toying with the idea of starting a club in, neighbourhood, sudden retrenchment in his office due to the war c him his nine-year-old job”.
(i) Who is ‘he’?
Ans. (i) Patol Babu
(ii) What was his job? Why was it gone?
Ans. (ii) He was a clerk. He was retrenched due to war.
(iii) What do you mean by ‘retrenchment’?
Ans. (iii) It means cut down the number of employees.
6. “That has become a thing of the remote past; something which he recalls at times with a sigh”.
(i) Who is ‘he’?
Ans. (i) Patol Babu
(ii) What is a thing of remote past?
Ans (ii) Acting is a thing of remote past for Pawl Babu.
(iii) What do you mean by the phrase, “recalls at times with a sigh”?
Ans (iii) It means sometimes remembers past events and experiences fondly.
7. “This is only the first step on the ladder, my dear better half yes-the first step that would-God willing-mark the rise to fame and fortune of your beloved husband”.
(i) Who is the speaker and with whom is he speaking?
(ii) What is referred as first step on the ladder?
(iii) What do you mean by the phrase by ‘rise to fame and fortune •
Ans. (i) Patol Babu is speaking to his wife.
(ii) The role in the field is called as first step on the ladder by Patol Babu.
(iii) It means becoming famous and wealthy
8. “All he felt now was a keen anticipation and suppressed excitement. It was the feeling he used to feel twenty years ago just before he stopped on to the stage.”
(i) Who is ‘he’?
(ii) What he used to do twenty years ago?
(iii) ow What is the meaning of ‘anticipation’?
Ans. (i) Potal Babu.
(ii) He used to act on stage.
(iii) It means feeling of excitement.
9. “The hero’s head had banged against his forehead, and an excruciating pain had robbed him of his senses for a few seconds”.
(i) Who is in an excruciating pain and why?
Ans. (i) Patol Babu is in excruciating pain because his head is banged by the hero’s head.
(ii) Who is the hero?
(ii) Chanchal Kumar.
(iii) What do you mean by ‘excruciating pain’?
(iii) Extremely painful.
10. “He had done his job really well. All these years of struggle hadn’t blunted his sensibility. Gogon Pakrashi would have been pleased with his performance.”
(i) Who is ‘he’ and which job has he performed well?
Ans. (1) Patol Babu performed his role of absent minded pedestrian well.
(ii) Who is Gogon Pakrashi?
(ii) He is Patol Babu’s mentor or guru.
(iii) What do you mean by the phrase ‘blunted his sensibility’.
(iii) Here it means ‘reduced his acting talent’.

Short / Long Answer Questions
1. Describe the past of Patol Babu as an ac-tor.
Ans Patol Babu had a real passion for acting in his past. He was always in demand in Jatras, in amateur theatricals, in plays put up by the club in his neighbourhood. There was a time when people bought tickets to see him .

2. What did Patol Babu do for a living after having been retrenched?
Ans Patol Babu opened a variety store. But he had to wind it up, after five years. Then he had a job in a Bengali film,. But he had to give it up due to high handedness of the boss. Then remained an insurance salesman for ten years. Of late he has been with a firm dealing in scr iron.

3. What was the news that Nishikanto Ghos gave Patol Babu?
Ans Nishikanto Ghosh’s brother-in-law Naresh Du was in film business. He needed an actor f his film who is bald- headed, fiftyish and s It reminded Nishikanto of Patol Babu. So informed Patol Babu about the role and Nat Duff’s visit.

4. How does Patol Babu reconcile to dialogue given to him?
Ans The dialogue given to Patol Babu is ‘Oh!’. At first he felt that the film crew is teasing him. But later when he thought of Gogon Pakrashi’s words he decided to take that small dialogue seriously and he started to practice that ‘Oh!’ in different tones.

5. Why did Mr. Mullick turn down Patol Babu’s request for a rehearsal?
Ans Mr. Mullick turned down Patol Babu’s request for a rehearsal because the scene was to be shot in sunlight. There was a large patch of cloud approaching the sun. Hence, there was no time for a rehearsal.

6. Why does Patol Babu walk away before he can be paid for his role? What does this reveal about his character?
Ans Patol Babu was more satisfied from his act-ing. So he denied to take his payment and left the shooting place. Only a great idealist who works not for money but for the satisfaction of his artistic soul, can do such a thing. Patol Babu values artistic satisfaction far above than mon-etary consideration.

7. Describe the scene at Faraday House as Patol Baby saw it
Ans When Patol Babu walked to Faraday House, he saw a big crowd outside the building. There was a bus which carried equipment on its roof. On the edge of the pavement there was an instrument on three legs around which there was a group of busy people. There were some non-Bengalis in the crowd.

8. What were the special touches that Patol Babu gave to his role to make it more au-thentic?
Ans In order to make his role more authentic, Patol Babu took a paper in his hand to pretend that he was reading it when the ‘collision’ took place. He uttered the word ‘Oh!’ mixing fifty parts of anguish with twenty five of surprise and twenty five of irritation.

9.How does Patol Babu reconcile to the dialogue given to him?
Ans Ms. Initially, Patol Babu was disappointed when he saw the word ‘Oh’ written on the paper Next moment, he was reminded of the advice given to him by his mentor Mr. Pakrashi that a role was not big or 1 small, it was the manner in which it was performed that mattered. He accepted the role and decided to give it a try. 

10. What was the advice of Patol Babu’s mentor and guru Pakrashi? 
Ans. The advice of Mr Gogon Pakrashi, his mentor and guru was — Do your work irrespective of the fact that it was big or small. Perform well and wholeheartedly. That’s all. 

11.What job did Patol Babu have in Calcutta and why did he leave it? 
Ans. It was a clerical post with Hudson and Kimberley with a higher pay in Calcutta. He lost his job due to the war in 1943. 

12. What idea did Patol Babu have while rehearsing? Did the director approve of the idea? 
Ans. Idea was that if he had a newspaper in his hand the scene would look more authentic. Director approved of the idea and asked a bystander to give him the newspaper. 

13. What were Patol Babu’s dialogues and what was his reaction on seeing it? 
Ans. Patol asked for the dialogue to be spoken, a paper was handed over to him, on which just one word ‘Oh’ was written. He was disappointed, felt cheated and humiliated. 

14. Why did Patol Babu leave without taking money? 
Ans. After the shot was over, Patol Babu heaved a sigh of relief, a deep sense of satisfaction swept over him. He had done his job really well. After all, all these years had blunted his sensibility. Money did not matter compared to the job done with perfection. He left without taking the money. 

15. How did Patol Babu react to the offer of a role in a film? 
Ans. When the offer to act in a film came to Patol Babu, he was very happy and excited that a man fifty-two years old and nobody could get such an offer. There was every reason for him to accept it.

16. What message is the author trying to convey through the lesson “Patol Babu”? 
Ans. The message conveyed by the story ‘Patel Babu’ is to do one’s job with perfection, no matter how big or small it is. In the plan of action, everyone is assigned a role, which must be performed to the best of one’s ability. This is the only source of satisfaction.

17.How did Patol Babu manage to make his role special? What special touches did he give to the role? 
Ans. Patol Babu decided to make his role as memorable as possible. He rehearsed it in front of a large glass window in a quiet by lane.measured the distance to be walked, before he collided with the hero. So that the timing would be perfect. Then to make it look more authentic he suggested, holding a newspaper in his hand, which was accepted. did Patol Babu’s dream come true?
Ans. Patol Babu had always dreamt of making it big, famous and rich one clay. He had got the opportunity of acting in a film. In the past, he was a very good actor at the stage. He performed very well and earned everyone’s appreciation. 

Value-based Question/Extrapolative questions:

 1. “Work is worship.” Discuss. 
(80-100 words) 
Or No work is big or small, it is the manner in which it is executed that makes it big or small.

Ans. The man without work is like a vegetable, a mere couch-potato. Life of a parasite is better than an idle life. Any occupation big or small gives the lasting happiness, no doubt. Work is work, and if we can make it worship, then the gods will shower blessings and life becomes an eternal joy. No work is big or small, it is the way we look at it that makes it big or small. In everything that we do our input is equal to the output whether it is in terms of material success or the satisfaction that we derive out of a well-accomplished task, we get what we have put in. A lesson one must never forget in life, to achieve success there are no short-cuts or magic it is hard work alone that takes us places in life. We immerse ourselves in our work, lose and forget our being; the outcome of such a work can make miracles. Success comes chasing him, who works not to please others but to his own self and his own satisfaction is the reward. There are no religions, no creed, no caste, man-made barriers that distinguish one. It is the beautiful and unsullied mind that makes on unforgettable. Being honest with oneself and true to his work should be one’s motto, and then life becomes everlasting joy. Such a man’s heart is the abode of happiness that knows no end. Peace emanates from such beings, angels who create a paradise on earth! 

2.Patol Babu writes a letter to Nishikanto Ghosh to thank him for being instrumental in his getting a role in a film. He also shares his experience at the film shoot including the excitement and deep satisfaction that he derived from the same. Write the letter in about 200 words. 
A-4, Nepal Bhattacharjee Lane,
27/A,Maddox square colony, 
Calcutta -27

30th Oct, 2018

Dear Ghosh Babu, 

Thank you so much for providing me such an opportunity of a lifetime in getting this role in a film. I had never expected this to happen. I am impressed by your youngest brother-in-law, Naresh Dutt. I wish him all the best in life! As per his directions, I had reached Faraday House, the next morning before 8.30. It was the first time, I got to see film-shooting. A big crowd was already there. It was a Baren Mullick film, the famous director. He was actually there, giving directions and shouting, giving orders, `Action’, ‘Cut’, ‘Lights’, etc. Everyone danced to his tune. I was supposed to play the role of an absent-minded pedestrian, who collides with the hero Chanchal Kumar. I was to utter just one ‘Oh’. At first, I felt terribly disappointed, but later on, after reflecting on it for some time, I felt I could do something with it and tried rehearsing my role. I uttered the monosyllable ‘Oh’ in so many different ways, emoting different emotions. This was all because I was reminded of my guru Mr Pakrashi, who used to say an actor can put himself into his role and leave a mark, it did not matter whether the role was big or small. So, I put my heart and soul into it and gave a wonderful performance, which did not require any retakes. I did not bother to wait for the money after I had experienced such fulfilment! After so many years, I could act my acting skills were all intact. This realisation gave me immense satisfaction. I came home, feeling satisfied and happy. After all, what is money as compared to such a state of mind? 

Yours affectionately ,

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