Sunday 4 November 2018



Q1 Fill in the blanks choosing the most appropriate option from the ones given

English (a)_______,without a doubt, the second language of Europe and the world.
England's neighbours in Northern Europe have assimilated English into (b)____daily life.
European countries which have most successfully done (c)___ are Ireland, the
Netherlands, Sweden and Norway.
Television, radio and print media bring it into (d)_______home and street.
(a) (i) have become (ii) has become (iii) becomes (iv) become
(b) (i) her (ii) his (iii) our (iv) their
(c) (i) so (ii) of (iii) for (iv) on
(d) (i) another (ii) other (iii) every (iv) everyone

A We hear that many young people (a)_____more time in front of their T.V. sets,
B than in their classrooms (b)________ with their textbooks.
C (c)_______, it is very true that television has become the single most powerful influence,
D as (d)________ electronic medium in the lives of many youngsters today.
(a) (i) has spend (ii) spend (iii) spends (iv) have spent
(b) (i) neither (ii)or (iii)nor (iv)either
(c) (i) consequently (ii) lastly (iii) therefore (iv) However
(d) (i)a (ii) the (iii) an (iv) of

A One hot day Charles Menches ran out of dishes (a)______ his ice cream
B Suddenly , in the stall nearby, he spotted his friend Ernest Hamwi,
C (c)______ was selling zalabia, a sweet which consists of a crisp, wafer-like pastry
D Charles took zalabia rolled it and scooped ice-cream on top. (d)______, the ice-cream
cone was born.
(a) (i) served (ii) to serve (iii) serves (iv) serve
(b) (i) my (ii) their (iii) her (iv) his
(c) (i) which (ii)that (iii) who (iv)whose
(d) (i) Thus (ii) In addition (iii) In contrast (iv) However

Q2 In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing
word in each sentence of the given paragraph, along with the word that comes before
and the word that comes after it in the space provided.

                                                                                              Before       Missing      After
One morning after finishing work the bank,                        e.g work           at            the
I went to the parking lot where my car parked. (a)  ___________         ______      _______
Suddenly, I realised that the car keys not in (b)       ___________         ______      _______
my pocket. I went back to the bank search for (c)    ___________        ______      _______
them. A bank employee tried to help me in vain. (d)__________          ______      _______

Q3 Rearrange the given word clusters to make meaningful sentences.
(a) friends / I / my / were / grandmother / and / good
(b) left me/my parents/with her/they/in the city / when / went to live
(c) grandmother / her prayers / said / every morning / sing song voice/ in
(d) loved / listening / every morning / her voice / waking up/ I / to

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