Saturday 8 July 2017


I. Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the

given options.

1. Navin(a) college every morning. He (b).......... at the museum as a security

guard at night. He (c)......... for his examination in May next year

(a) i. go ii. went iii. goes iv. have gone

(b) i. works ii work iii. are working iv. have worked

(c) i. appear ii. have appeared iii. appeared iv. will appear

2. The women(a)..... to the village well to fill water. They(b).... with each other about the

harvest festival. They (c)...... their buckets and were ready to leave when the earth

began to shake.

(a) i. comes ii. has come iii. is coming iv. came

(b) i. was chatting ii were chatting iii. is chatting iv. has chatted

(c) i. had filled ii. have filled iii. is filling iv. fills

3. My sister (a).... as a nurse in the hospital .She (b)...... the hospital after completing

her training in 2010. She (c)...... for higher studies next year.

(a) i. work ii. are working iii. were working iv. works

(b) i. have joined ii are joining iii. had joined iv. was joining

(c) i. has gone ii. will go iii. had gone iv. was going

4. Ravi (a)......... to work yesterday morning when he remembered that he (b)........ his

lunch bag at home. He (c)......... home and therefore was late for work.

(a) i. is driving ii. was driving iii. were driving iv. has driven

(b) i. will forget ii have forgotten iii. had forgotten iv. forgets

(c) i. returns ii. are returning iii. were returning    iv. returned

5. The residents (a)........ a sale of handmade articles . They (b)........ notices to all

housing societies. The money from the sale (c)........ to an orphanage.

a) i. is planning ii. plans iii. are planning iv. was planning

(b) i. has sent ii. is sending iii. was sending iv. have sent

(c) i. will donate ii. will be donated

iii. is donating iv. are donating

II. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line.

Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

Error Correction
                                                                                          INCORRECT            CORRECT
Mr. Jones drive the school bus no: 302 (e.g)                       drive                           drives

He pick up the children from their home and (a)             ___________         _________

drop them to school in time every day. (b)                      ___________        _________

He was working as a bus driver for the (c)                     __________            _________

past 20 years and is enjoying it. (d)                                ___________            _________

One day, Mr. Jones was drive the bus (e)                      ___________           _________

when he has a heart attack. He quickly

stopped (f)                                                                       __________           _________

the bus at the roadside. Some children hail (g)               ___________           _________

a taxi and take him to the hospital at once. (h)               ___________          _________

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