Saturday 8 July 2017


Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. Each of the parents _________ responsible for child care. (is, are)

2. The chairman along with the board members _________ present for the meeting.

(was/ were)

3. Either you or I _________ going to sign the papers. (am/ are)

4. There _________ a nice garden in the compound. (is, are)

5. Both Janice and John _________ friends. (is, are)

6. Two-thirds of the city _________ in ruins. (is, are)

7. He _________ one of those men who know everything. (is, are)

8. Either of the two applicants _________ suitable. (is, are)

9. Many a man _________ tempted by gold. (is, are)

10.The Council that met in the Town hall _________ divided. (was/ were)

11.Some of the cloths on the shelf are dusty. (is, are)

12.Even though the participants enjoyed the seminar, a few think that it _________

useless. (was/ were)

13.Neither Peter nor James _________ any right to the property. (have, has)

14.Neither the Minister nor his colleagues _________ given an explanation for this.

(have, has)

15.Not only the students but also the teacher _________ anxious to finish the lesson.

(was, were)

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. Kaveri _________ forty rupees more. (need, needs)

2. Pasta and cheese _________ my favourite dish. (is, are)

3. Members of the dragon boat team _________ money by collecting used cell phones.

(raise, raises)

4. Neither of the schools _________ hosted the track meet yet. (has, have)

5. Before each meeting, the panel _____________ suggestions by email. (exchange,


6. Takara _________ to know which languages are spoken in Paris. (want, wants)

7. There _________ probably a few children who don't like strawberries. (is, are)

8. _________ you wondered why I had to miss school yesterday? (has, have)

9. The number of people seeking jobs in the computer industry _________ rising rapidly.

(is, are)

III. Rewrite the following sentences after correcting the errors.

1. Neither the captain nor the players is at fault. ____________________________________________________________________

2. Five days are not enough to learn swimming. ____________________________________________________________________

3. Gulliver's Travels were written by Jonathan Swift. ____________________________________________________________________

4. My uncle and aunt is gone to New York. ____________________________________________________________________

5. The kind words spoken by the teacher is encouraging. ____________________________________________________________________

6. My limited means does not allow me to be extravagant. ____________________________________________________________________

7. Neither my brother nor my sisters was present in the meeting. ____________________________________________________________________

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