Saturday 8 July 2017


I. Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. Write the answer in your answer sheet against the correct blanks. Do not copy the whole passage.

1. Thinking negatively will get negative results because your thoughts create a negative

atmosphere which is hospitable (a) ____________ negative results. On the contrary, (b)

_____________ thinking positively you can create a positive atmosphere which makes

positive results a certainty. To cultivate positive thinking, you should speak hopefully

(c)__________ everything.

(a) (i) of (ii) on (iii) to (iv) in

(b) (i) at (ii) by (iii) on (iv) of

(c) (i) among (ii) over (iii) across (iv) about

2. The naughty children walked (a) ____________ flower beds, climbed the fruit trees (b) _____________ plucked unripe fruits and they (c) __________ pits on the garden path.

(a) (i) among (ii) over (iii) across (iv) about

(b) (i) and (ii) but (iii) therefore (iv) since

(c) (i) dig (ii) digging (iii) digs (iv) dug

3. Reading a novel or a short story (a) ____________ second language could dramatically

(b) _____________ physiological responses to emotions such (c) __________ smiling.

(a) (i) of (ii) in (iii) from (iv) in

(b) (i) reduce (ii) reduces (iii) reduced (iv) reducing

(c) (i) like (ii) similar to (iii) as (iv) alike

II. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line against

which a blank has been given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your

answer sheet against the correct blank number given in the example. Remember to

underline the word that you have supplied.

1. Error Correction
                                                                                     INCORRECT              CORRECT
The road to success is no a bed of roses. e.g.:                 no                               not
Only those who wade on hazards and hurdles           _________                  _________

can achieve successful. Set yourself clear goals       _________                  _________

and define precisely what you wants to do.             _________                  _________

Goals provide direction for your behaviour            _________                  _________

or guide your actions or thoughts. Specific goals    _________                  _________

are better than general ones. Every parts                _________                  _________

of your body is full of that idea. Winners do not    _________                  _________

do different things, they does things differently.    _________                  _________

2. Error Correction

Her duties for the day were over. e.g.: for of

She had scrub the floor of the kitchen,

washed the vessels and put them on a

shining row on an wooden shelf, returned

the short scrubbing broom to it’s corner

and close the kitchen window.

3. Error Correction

If there is a perfect mountain valley of the world e.g.: of in

it is certainly the magnificence valley of Kashmir.

It is surrounded by a snow-capped, lofty

mountains which make it a land for springs

and beautiful lakes. For the past hundreds

years the beauty of Kashmir have held the

visitors spellbound. Srinagar, the chief cities

of the valley or the summer capital of

Jammu and Kashmir lying on the banks of the river


III. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences :

(a) coloured bus / children / we saw / full of / a yellow / excited / _______________________________________________________________________

(b) they were / we guessed / on the / planetarium / way / to the / _______________________________________________________________________

(c) part / this / study tour / of their / was / _______________________________________________________________________

(d) 12,000 species / all over / there are / of ants / the world / more than


(e) or groups / who live in / social insects / they are/ small colonies _______________________________________________________________________

(f) of millions / ant colonies / of ants / can consist _______________________________________________________________________

(g) dormant volcano /a / in/ Mount Kilimanjaro/ Tanzania / is _______________________________________________________________________

(h) highest /Africa/ it is / mountain/ in / the


(i) has been / many / it / the subject of / studies / scientific _______________________________________________________________________

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