Wednesday 13 September 2017



1.Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options
from the ones given below. Write the answer in your answer sheet against the correct

1. In volcanic areas, underground water (a) _______ often rise to a temperature of 2000C.
Nowadays, wells (b) ________ drilled to extract the steam which is used to drive turbines.
This is (c) ________ of the world's fastest growing sources of energy. (d) ________ the
water is heated by enormous reservoirs of cooling rock several kilometers across,
geothermal steam is regarded to be a renewable energy resource.

(a) (i) could (ii) can (iii) must (iv)might
(b) (i) is (ii) been (iii) are (iv)being
(c) (i) one (ii) any (iii) some (iv)few
(d) (i) As (ii) While (iii) Even (iv)Though

2. Japan has many things in common (a) ___________ India. India is a democratic country
and so (b) ________ Japan. We have two houses of Parliament and so (c) __________
Japan. So they have a form (d) __________ government which is very much like ours.

(a) (i) to (ii) with (iii) in (iv)on
(b) (i) were (ii) does (iii) is (iv)has
(c) (i) does (ii) will (iii) may (iv)might
(d) (i) with (ii) for (iii) at (iv)of

3. Rameswaram captures the essence (a) ____________ the rich Tamil culture and lore.
The legacy of the Ramayana still survives in Rameswaram, a little island (b)
____________ the southeast coast of India. The (c) ___________ prominent heritage of
its association (d) ___________ the epic was undoubtedly, the Rameswaram temple,
believed to be built by none other than Lord Rama.

(a) (i) an (ii) the (iii) of (iv)for
(b) (i) off (ii) with (iii) of (iv)beside
(c) (i) much (ii) most (iii) more (iv)many
(d) (i) to (ii) from (iii) by (iv)with

II. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line against
which a blank has been given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your
answer sheet against the correct blank number given in the example. Remember to
underline the word that you have supplied.

1. Error Correction
Rubber, what is in common use, e.g.: what that/which
is of two types, name, natural rubber
and synthetic rubber. Natural rubber come
from a juice of a rubber tree while
synthetic rubber is made with
chemicals. Rubber whether natural and
synthetic, is one of a most versatile
material available to the industry.

2. Error Correction
The liver is a large but vitally e.g.: but and
important organ into the abdomen.
It can be think of as a living
laboratory or the chemical plant. More
than hundred different processes are know
to take place in it. It has reddish
brown in colour and locating in the upper
abdominal cavity between the diaphragm for the ribs.

3. Error Correction
Mount Kailash, on the central e.g.: on in
Himalayas, is saying to be
the abode to Lord Shiva. In
paintings and sculptures, a Lord
is shown into deep meditation,
sitting in a tiger skin and
surrounded off snowy
peaks. It has situated in Tibet.

III. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences :
(a) the fittest / survival / law of nature / of/ the/ is
(b) strong/ be / or / others / slave /shall/you/ make
(c) are felt / salty/sweet tastes/ and / our tongue / tip/ by/ of/ the
(d) is detected / the buds / sour taste / by / of/ the tongue / sides/ on / the
(e) necessary / punctuality / all public affairs / a civilized society/ habit / should be / of / in / a

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