Wednesday 13 September 2017


Section – A (Reading)

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:       12
Gender equality/disparity has become one of the most important indicators of a
developed society. Women work participation is a ‘gender lens’ to look at this
problem. According to International Labour Organization statistics, societies still
having feudal ethos in the 21stcenturyhave the least women labour participation
rates, and hence the highest gender disparity ratios.
Afghanistan, Algeria, Iran, Iraq and Jordan have the least female participation
rates (around 16 per cent), but globally the rate is 50 per cent. India and
Pakistan record only 27 per cent, but Bangladesh has crossed the global
average with 57 per cent. Relatively small nations like Indonesia and Malaysia
also have touched the global average, but Vietnam, Zambia, Tanzania and
Uganda have the maximum rates around 75 per cent.
This shows that the correlation between women’s work participation rate and
gender equality is complex. No doubt, the least women participation in work is a
clear indication of sharp disparity. But mere increase in work participation is not
enough for gender equality since in some of the least developed countries with
high rates of work participation, women are forced to get involved in back-
breaking agriculture labour, often with very low wages and deprived of good
education and health care. Their families will starve if they are not in the fields.
India has to think about its low women workforce participation if it wants to get
into the real development orbit. Skilling the working population, especially the
women, must be the top priority. China could break the barriers of low women
work participation, and it is one of the reasons for their excellence in
manufacturing, especially in the small and medium enterprises. Non-farm
women’s work participation can only push their status up.
The Vietnamese experience provides more insights. Even with very high women
participation, the gender pay gap has widened while it declined in many
countries. ‘Equal pay for equal work’ has to be ensured if we are serious about
gender inequality.

1. Answer the following questions: 2x4=8
a) Which countries have the least women work participation rates? Which country
has crossed the global average?
b) Name two countries which have achieved the maximum rates inwomen’s work
c) Why is mere increase in work participation not enough for gender equality?
d) What is needed to push women’s status up? Why is ‘equal pay for equal work’

2. Find meanings of the words given below with the help of the options that follow:
(a) feudal (para 1)
(i) modern
(ii) traditional
(iii) out dated
(iv) monarchical

(b) disparity (para3)
(i) equality
(ii) likeness
(iii) partiality
(iv) capacity

(c) deprived (para3)
(i) taken away
(ii) demotivated
(iii) given privacy
(iv) cheated

(d) barriers (para4)
(i) enclosures
(ii) disturbances
(iii) supports
(iv) hurdles


Section –B (Grammar)

1. Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the
given options.                                                                                                             1x5=5
A man saw a thief breaking into a house. Instead (a) ______ raising a cry, he
decided to catch (b) _______ thief red-handed. He entered the house through
the window and moved stealthily (c) ________ the door. The room was dark and
he could not hear anything. (d) _______ he approached the door, it suddenly
flung open from the other side. The other man asked, “What (e) _____ you doing
in my house?”
(a) (i) for (ii) of (iii) to (iv)on
(b) (i) the (ii) a (iii) an (iv)of
(c) (i) above (ii) towards (iii) away (iv)under
(d) (i) because (ii) since (iii) as (iv)soon
(e) (i) are (ii) am (iii) has (iv)is

2. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line.
Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.                                      1⁄2 x 6=3

Error Correction

The auditorium was decorated by
buntings.                                                                                                                  e.g by with

Chairs is neatly arranged in rows for
the invitees.                                                                                             (a)
The dais was a beautiful backdrop.                                                         (b)
The principal escorted a chief guest to
the stage.                                                                                                  (c)
When they some occupied their seats,                                                     (d)
two girls sung the prayer.                                                                         (e)
Later that the principal read the annual
report.                                                                                                       (f)

3. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful
sentences. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet.

                                                                                                                                 1x 4=4

(a) four\divided\the question\ has been\section\paper\into\the
(b) five/multiple choice/passage/questions /each/followed/will be /by
(c) vocabulary/out of /marks /twenty /for/marks/will be/four
(d) marks /of the/ assigned / section/ will be /rest /to the/ literature

Section - C (Literature)

4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
(i) You are an exception. Frenchmen usually have to consult about ten people
before they get a move on. Listen! Do you or don't you want to sellthis house?       1x3=3

(a) Who is ‘You’ referred to in the above lines?
(b) How does the speaker rate the Frenchmen?
(c) Why does Jeanne want to buy a villa?

5. Answer the following in 30-40 words.                                                                     2x2=4
(a) Why was Gaston not interested in buying the villa in the beginning?
(b) Why did Mrs. Al Smith say that the ‘French people have a cute way of doing
6. Answer the following question in 80-100 words. 6x1=6
(a) Discuss the character traits of Mrs Al Smith. What is her significance in the
context of the lesson?

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