Thursday 6 December 2018

9th Std The bond of love

The bond of love

Q 1 Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow.
(a) After weeks of such advice she at last consented. Hastily, and before she could change
her mind, a letter was written to the curator of the zoo.
i. Who is referred to as ‘she’?
The narrator’s wife is referred to as ‘she’.
ii. What advice was given to her and by whom?
The narrator, his son and friends advised her to give Bruno to the Mysore zoo.
iii. What reply was given by the curator?
The curator replied in the affirmative that he would accept a tame bear in his zoo.
iv. Give the antonym of ‘consented’

(b) There followed the return journey to Bangalore and a visit to the superintendent’s
bungalow. A tearful pleading.
i. Who went to Bangalore and from where?
The narrator and his wife went to Bangalore after visiting Bruno at the Mysore zoo.
ii. Why did they visit the superintendent?
The curator at the Mysore Zoo told the narrator’s wife that she could take ‘Bruno’ back
home only if the superintendent agrees. Hence they travelled to Bangalore.
iii. What was the superintendent’s response?
The Superintendent was a kind fellow and he agreed. At his recommendation, the curator lent a cage for the safe journey of the bear back home to Bangalore.
iv. Find the synonym of the word-‘emotional appeal’.

Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each.

Q1. On two occasions Bruno ate/drank something that should not be eaten /drunk. What happened to him on these occasions?

Bruno ate some poison-barium carbonate He also vomited and breathed heavily, but was later cured. In another incident, he drank nearly a gallon of old engine oil. Fortunately, he remained unaffected.meant for the rats, which paralysed and weakened him.

Q2. Was Bruno a loving and playful pet? Why, then, did he have to be sent away?

Yes, Bruno was a loving and playful pet. Everybody in the family was attached to it,
especially the narrator’s wife. It had to be sent away to a zoo because it was getting too big to be kept at home.

Q3. How was the problem of what to do with Bruno finally solved?

Bruno was not happy at the zoo. Seeing its condition and its happiness at seeing the narrator’s wife, Bruno was allowed to go back to Bangalore. There, an island was made for the bear, keeping all its needs in mind.

Q4: Who was Bruno and how it was caught?
A: Bruno was a sloth bear. Once the author and his friends were passing through the sugarcane fields near Mysore. Bruno’s mother was shot during the village shooting. The author saved Bruno from the sugarcane field and put it in a gunny bag.

Q5: Bruno once got paralysis. Why? How was he treated?
A: The author kept barium carbonate in this library to kill mice. It was a poisonous chemical. Bruno ate some of it and was paralysed. Writer called a vet who gave it two injections of an antidote. Bruno could stand on his legs again after 30 minutes.

Q6: How did Bruno become attached to the family of the author?
A: Bruno got lot of love in the family of the author. It slowly got attached to two Alsatian dogs and to all the children of the tenants. It used to play and also enter kitchen. It is used to sleep in the beds.

Q7: Why was it decided to send Bruno away?
A: After few months Bruno had grown very huge. He was getting too big to be kept at home. Moreover it was dangerous for children of tenants. So it was decided that he should be sent away to the zoo.

Q8:“I got him for her by accident.”
(a) Who says this?
Answer: - The author says this to his wife.
(b) Who do ‘him’ and ‘her’ refer to?
Answer: - ‘Him’ refer to the baby bear and ‘her’ refer to the author’s wife.
(c) What is the incident referred to here?
Answer: - The incident of shooting wild pigs from the fields is being referred  here.

Q9: “He stood on his head in delight.
(a) Who does ‘he’ refer to?
Answer: - He refers to Bruno.
(b) Why was he delighted?
Answer: - He was delighted to see his mistress.

Q10: “We all missed him greatly: but in a sense we were relieved.”
(a) Who does ‘we all’ stand for?
Answer: - We all stand for the author and his family.
(b) Who did they miss?
Answer :- They missed Bruno, the bear.
(c) Why did they nevertheless feel relieved?
Answer :- They felt relieved because there was no more danger of the bear in the house.

Q11: On two occasions Bruno ate/drank something that should not be eaten/ drunk. What happened to him on these occasions?
A: Once Bruno ate the rat poison which was kept to get rid of rats from the  library. Bruno became paralysed to the extent that he couldn’t stand on his feet. He was taken to a veterinary doctor for treatment. Finally the antidote worked and Bruno could spring to life once again.Next time Bruno drank the discarded engine oil which was kept in the garage. Luckily nothing happened to him after drinking the mobil oil.

Q12: Was Bruno a loving and playful pet? Why, then, did he have to be sent away?
A: Bruno had become too big to be kept in the household. He had to be chained for children’s safety. Being a wild animal it needed lots of space which was not available in the author’s household. They thought that it will be taken care of in better way by trained personnel at a zoo. So they decided to send it away to the zoo.

Q13: How was the problem of what to do with Bruno finally solved?
A: As Bruno was not feeling happy after getting separated from its foster family and was getting weak as a result, the author’s wife went to meet Bruno. After seeing Bruno’s pitiful condition they decided to bring it back to their home. They built a special cordoned area for Bruno with all the facilities befitting a playful bear. And finally Bruno was back to its home.

Q14: ‘Love is mutual’. Illustrate with reference to “The Bond of Love”?
A: “The Bond of Love” is a story of emotional bonding between a woman and a bear. The author’s wife had pet bear called Bruno. She loved him deeply. She put a colored ribbon around his neck. She cooked a variety of dishes for him. He also performed many playful tricks which give pleasure to her. They enjoyed each other’s company. When bear grew big, he was dangerous for the children in the house. Author decided to send him to the zoo. His departure was very painful for the author’s wife. Finally she asked her husband to visit Baba in the zoo. They both felt relieved on meeting. They spend many hours together. So we can say “Love is Mutual’.

Q15: Why was Bruno sent away to the Zoo and why was he brought back?
A: The bear, Bruno, was very dear to the author’s wife. They spent many hours together and love each others company. But when he had grown very big and heavy, he was dangerous. He was very playful and mischievous. There were small children of the tenants’ family. So they had to chain him most of the time. The author felt that he was depriving Bruno of his natural freedom. So he decided to send him to a zoo. But his wife could not bear his separation. The author consoled her for three months, but at last he took her to the zoo. On seeing her Baba howled with happiness. They spend many hours together. She wanted to take him back to home. She requested the superintendent who allowed her.

1 comment:

  1. (a) Describe the two accidents that befell ‘Bruno’. How did he recover from them? (b) How was Bruno brought to the narrator’s home? How did he become a member of the family?
