Sunday 2 December 2018

The snake trying

The snake trying 


Q1. What is the snake trying to escape from?                       

Ans:-The snake is trying to escape an assault on him. He is being chased by a man with a stick in his hand. The snake fears that the man wants to kill him by hitting him with the stick. The snake intends to evade being struck by the stick.

Q2. Why does the snake suddenly curve his body?

Ans:- The snake, lying comfortably on the sands on the bank of a pond, suddenly notices a person trying to kill him with a stick. Naturally, he cannot remain to lie at rest when face to face with death. He twists and wriggles his body to avoid being struck by the stick.

Q3. How does the snake look when he curves his slender body?

Ans:- While curving his slender body with quick movements to avoid being attacked, the snake looks quite fascinating and elegant to the poet. The various shapes formed by the twisting and turning of his body do not at all look frightening or ugly.

Q4. Where does the snake start moving to avoid being killed?

Ans:-The snake starts moving towards the pond to avoid being killed. He glides on the surface of the pond’s water to reach the bank on the other side which has slim and green reeds like the snake’s body. Here he can easily camouflage himself and avoid being detected and killed.

Q5.  Does the poet support the person with the stick?

Ans:- No, the poet does not at all support or approve of the person who intends to kill the snake with his stick. He does not find any reason why a harmless, non-poisonous, beautiful, and graceful snake should be put to death. He wants the snake to be spared and allowed to live.

Q6. What is the poet’s request to the person chasing the snake?

Ans:- The poet’s request to the person chasing the snake with a stick is to let the snake go free to lead his life. He wants the person to let the snake slither away through the water to the reeds where he may hide himself to safety.

Q7. Is it a harmful snake? What is its colour?                                         

Ans:- The snake is green in colour and is small in size. It is absolutely harmless as it is non-poisonous. It is harmless even to the children and hence need not be feared or killed merely because human beings consider snakes as harmful creatures.

Q8. The poet finds the snake beautiful. Find the words he uses to convey its beauty.  (Textual)

Ans:-The poet uses the words ‘beautiful and graceful’ to describe the shapes of the snake’s body. He uses the words ‘small and green’ to describe the snake’s size and colour respectively. All these words connote admiration.

Q9. Why does the poet want the snake to be spared?

Ans:- The poet wants the snake to be spared because he is non-venomous and hence harmless. He is so safe that he cannot harm even a young child. Since the snake is not a threat to any human being, there is no rhyme or reason in killing him.

Q10. Where was the snake before anyone saw it and chased it away? Where does the snake disappear?                                                                             (Textual)

Ans:- Before being seen by anyone, the snake was lying comfortably on the sandy banks of the pond. After getting noticed and chased, he moved swiftly to the pond, got in the water and reached the other side to disappear in the slim and green reeds growing over there.

Q11.Where did the snake hide himself and how?

Ans:-The snake hid himself among the green reeds growing on the other side of the pond. He did this by merging his slender and green body with the slim and green reeds. This camouflage helped him deceive the person who was trying to kill him.
Q12. What idea do you form the poet’s attitude towards all living creatures?

Ans:- The poet seems to be an environmentalist who has a loving attitude towards all living beings. He seems to be conscious of the need to preserve the diversity of creatures to maintain balance in the environment. Moreover, he believes that most species of snakes are non-poisonous and they do not harm unless attacked.

Q13. What does the poet wish for the snake?                                          

Ans:- The poet wishes a safe and free life for the snake. He does not want any human being to feel threatened by the snake and wants him to be left alone. He desires a peaceful coexistence for the snake and human beings.

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