Thursday 6 December 2018

9th Std The duck and the kangaroo

Q 1 Read the given extracts and answer the following questions.
(a) “Good gracious! how you hop!
Over the fields and water too,
As if you never would stop!
i. Who says the above lines and to whom?
The duck says the above lines to the kangaroo.
ii. Where did the speaker live and what did he feel about her life?
The speaker lived in a pond which she found ‘nasty’. She felt her life was a bore.
iii. What did the speaker wish to do?
The speaker wished she could hop like the kangaroo. She longed to go out in the world beyond.
iv. Find the synonym of the word –‘halt’.
(b) And there seems but one objection,
Which is, if you’ll let me speak so bold,
i. Who was raising and objection and to what?
The kangaroo was raising an objection to the duck’s request of going around the world riding on the kangaroo’s back.
ii. What objection did the speaker have?
The Kangaroo feared that the Duck’s feet are always wet and cold. If she sits on his back, it would give him rheumatism.
iii. What solution was offered to him?
The duck had in anticipation, bought four pair of worsted socks so that her feet could
remain dry and warm. She also bought a coat. She planned to smoke a cigar daily to keep out the cold.
iv. Give the antonym of the word ’objection’.

Q 2 Answer each of the following questions in about 30-40 words.

(a) Why did the Duck ask the Kangaroo to give her a ride?
Living in her ‘nasty’ pond, day and night, the Duck had become tired of the monotony of her life. She had observed the Kangaroo hopping around all day long. So, she wished the Kangaroo to take her on a ride, to have fun, and to see new and exciting
Once the, trip is settled he gives instructions in advance to the Duck to sit steady on the tip of his tail so that he might not lose balance. The Kangaroo comes across as a
straight-forward creature that is polite but firm in his dealings. Once he makes a commitment, he keeps it. Thus, his frankness and honesty wins over the Duck’s heart and both he and the Duck thoroughly enjoy the ride.

(b) What values can you draw from the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’?
The poem teaches us the values of generosity and humility in winning friends and finding happiness. Those who are generous in acknowledging and appreciating the
capabilities of others gain a lot in life. Admiration and politeness are positive values that make others comfortable and help to win good friends and make life very happy and enjoyable.
The Duck and the Kangaroo, both are very polite and courteous with each other. The Duck acknowledges and admires the Kangaroo’s hopping skills. This wins the Kangaroo’s heart and he gives a serious thought to the Duck’s request. He puts forth
his objection in a very polite manner and accepts the Duck’s solution humbly. Mutual respect and politeness helps them to not only enjoy each other’s company but also fulfill the Duck’s desire to leave her boring pond and venture out into the world.

(b) What was the Kangaroo’s reaction to the Duck’s request?
The Kangaroo was a very sensible and a wise creature. When he was requested for a ride, he was slightly apprehensive as he knew that the wet and cold feet of the Duck may give him with rheumatism. So, before committing anything, he wished to give the
idea a good thought, even though the proposal could bring him good luck.

 (c) What instructions did the Kangaroo give the Duck before starting the journey? Did the Duck comply with the instructions?
The Kangaroo told the Duck to help him maintain his balance during the ride by
sitting absolutely still at the end of his tail. The Duck did comply with his instructions and the two had a smooth and an enjoyable journey. The happy pair hopped around the world three times.

(d) Which qualities of the Duck are highlighted in the poem?
The Duck was a very resourceful and far-sighted creature in addition to having an adventurous spirit. Although she was unable to hop, she convinced the Kangaroo to take her on a ride. Anticipating the requirements of the journey, she equipped herself
to prevent herself and the Kangaroo from catching cold and causing trouble to the Kangaroo. All this she did out of his true love for the kangaroo.

Q 3 Answer each of the following questions in about 100-150 words.
(a) What idea do you form about the Kangaroo after reading the poem?
The Kangaroo is an energetic creature who loves adventure and fun. Though he has a helpful attitude, he is sensible enough not to harm himself while offering help. That is why he very frankly but politely tells the Duck the reason for his reluctance to take her
on a trip. He is very cautious and practical and takes precautions in advance to avoid trouble.


Short answer type questions:-

1. Why was the Duck fascinated by the Kangaroo’s hopping?
Ans. The Duck was fascinated by the Kangaroo’s hopping because she herself could not hop. She had to lead a boring life swimming in a silly pond, so she admired the Kangaroo’s continuous hopping over the fields as well as water bodies.
2. Why did the Duck call the pond ‘nasty’?
Ans. The Duck called the pond ‘nasty’ because it was neither interesting nor vibrant. It made the Duck’s life monotonous boring and devoid of excitement. The Duck disliked the pond because it restricted her.
3. Where was the Duck’s home and what was her deep desire?
Ans. The Duck’s home was the ‘silly’ pond which she found boring and restrictive. Therefore she had a deep desire to see the wide world that lay beyond her ‘nasty’ and monotonous pond.
4. Why did the Duck wish the Kangaroo to take her for a ride?
Why did the Duck wish to ride on the Kangaroo’s back?
Why did the Duck ask the Kangaroo to give her a ride?
Ans. Living in her ‘nasty’ pond, day and night, the Duck had become sick and tired of the monotony of her life. She had observed the Kangaroo hopping around all day long. So, she wished the Kangaroo to take her on a ride, to have fun, and to see new and exciting places.
5. What different traits of the Duck’s character are revealed in the first stanza?
Ans. Optimism and aspiration are the traits of the Duck’s character revealed in the first stanza. She is very appreciative of the Kangaroo’s hopping skills. She aspires to go away. from her pond and go out into the world.
6. What did the Duck promise the Kangaroo and why?
Ans. The Duck promised the Kangaroo that if he took her around for a ride she would fully co-operate with him. She would sit on his back very steadily and quietly so that he would neither be distracted nor lose his balance.
7. What did the Duck wish to do after leaving her pond? What places did she wish to visit in particular? Was she wish fulfilled?
Ans. The Duck wished to go all over the land and the sea. She wanted to visit the ‘Dee’ and ‘Jelly Bo Lee’ in particular. Her wish was finally fulfilled when the Kangaroo took her around the world three times.
8. What traits of the Duck’s character does the following line reveal?
Ans. I would sit quite still, and say nothing but ‘Quack’ This line reveals that the Duck is a very co-operative, considerate and thoughtful creature. She knows that if she would make noise or keep on moving, it would inconvenience and distract the Kangaroo. Hence, she voluntarily offers to co-operate by being quiet and still.
9. Why did the Kangaroo wish to ponder over the Duck’s request for a ride on Ida back?                                       Or
What was the Kangaroo’s reaction to the Duck’s request?
Ans. The Kangaroo was a very sensible and a wise creature. When he was requested for a ride, he was slightly apprehensive as he knew that the wet and cold feet of the Duck may afflict him with rheumatism, a disease marked by inflammation and joint pains. So, before committing anything, he wished to give the whole issue a good thought, even though the proposal could bring him good luck.
10. Why was the Kangaroo reluctant to carry the Duck on its back?
What objection did the Kangaroo raise when the Duck requested him for a ride?
Ans. The Kangaroo was reluctant to carry the Duck on its back because he knew that the wet and cold feet of the Duck was unpleasant and could make him uncomfortable. He objected by saying that he might catch rheumatism because of the Duck’s feet.
11. How did the Duck prepare for the journey on the Kangaroo’s back?
What preparations did the Duck make for her ride on the Kangaroo’s back?
Ans. The Duck bought four pairs of worsted socks so that her cold and wet feet could be covered and protected from the cold. She also bought a cloak to keep the cold out. In addition, she decided to smoke a cigar daily to pass her time.
12. What instructions did the Kangaroo give the Duck before starting the journey? Did the Duck comply with the instructions?
Ans. The Kangaroo told the Duck to help him maintain his balance during the ride by sitting absolutely still at the end of his tail. The Duck did comply with his instructions and the two had a smooth trip and a very enjoyable journey.
13. How did the Duck and the Kangaroo benefit from the trip?
Why did the Kangaroo and the Duck hop around the whole world three times?
Ans. The Kangaroo and the Duck’s trip resulted in immense joy for both the creatures. It made them the happiest pair of all. They hopped around the world three times which shows that it was a smooth sailing trip.
14. Besides her love for adventure, which other qualities of the Duck do you observe?
Ans. The Duck was a very resourceful and far-sighted creature in addition to her adventurous spirit. Although she was unable to hop, she convinced the Kangaroo to take her on a ride. Anticipating the requirements of the journey, she equipped herself with four pairs of woollen socks and a cloak to prevent herself and the Kangaroo from catching a cold. She also planned to smoke cigars during the trip to pass her time.
15. Where did the Duck live and what did she long for?
Ans. The Duck lived in a nasty pond. He was bored of his life. He wanted to leave that place and go out in the world beyond.
16. What was the Kangaroo’s reflection?
 Ans. The Kangaroo feared that the Duck’s feet are always wet and cold. If he sits on his back this will make him suffer from roomatiz.
17: What preparations did the Duck make for the ride on the Kangaroo’s back?
Ans. He bought four pairs of worsted socks so that his feet could remain thy and warm. He also bought an overcoat. He smoked a cigar daily to please the Kangaroo

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