Monday 12 August 2019

10th Std Footprints without feet

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:

1. Why was Mrs Hall angry with Griffin, the strange scientist?
Ans. Griffin had attacked Mr and Mrs Hall and even threw her mother’s chair at her. Moreover, Griffin had not paid the rent for a long time and he  has been delaying on that. Obviously ,the above situation agitated Mrs Hall.
2. How did Griffin try to get rid of Mrs Hall’s accusations?
Ans. Griffin got furious with Mrs Hall’s accusation of stealing money and of not paying her rent. He threw off his bandages,artificial nose, spectacles and became invisible. He started hitting everyone and escaped from there.
3. Why did Griffin set the landlord’s house on fire?                                          
Ans. Griffin never liked his landlord and had a huge confrontation with him. He decided to take revenge on him, so one day he set his house on fire. Moreover, he did not want anyone to know about his secret discovery, so he ran away from there.
4. How did Griffin escape from the London store?                                                  
Ans. When two attendants of the store discovered Griffin, they screamed and chased him. Hence, in order to protect himself, he threw away his clothes and became invisible and escaped from the London store.
5. How did Griffin become invisible?
Ans. Griffin was a successful scientist and while in the process of inventing some unique drugs, he swallowed a concoction of certain rare drugs that made his body transparent like glass, and also, solid as glass.
6. Why were the landlord and his wife surprised to see the scientist’s door open?
Ans. They were surprised because typically the door to the scientist’s room was always shut and locked, and he would be very angry if anyone entered it and hampered his privacy.
7. Why did Griffin go inside a big London store?
Ans. As Griffin was loitering in the chilled London streets,so he went inside a big London store to gain some warmth, find a place for the night, and also to put on some clothes and fill his tummy.
8. Why did Griffin not get a suitable house to live in?
Ans. Griffin was a lawless person, who was largely disliked by all. When his landlord tried to evict him, he set fire to the house and escaped due to his invisibility. Thereafter, it became difficult for him to find a proper place to live in.
9. How did Griffin try to become visible?
Ans. Griffin went into a shop in Drury Lane, the heart of the theatre world, with the aim of finding something to wear, and becoming visible. He emerged from the shop wearing bandages around his forehead, dark glasses, a false nose, bushy sideburns and a large hat.
10. Why were the two boys surprised when they saw the imprints of a pair of bare feet?
Ans. The two boys could see muddy footprints on the steps of a house in central London, descending towards the street. It was surprising to see the footprints without seeing anybody making them.
11. How did he save himself from the chasing staff of the store?    
Ans. When Griffin saw that the salesmen of the store were coming near him, he took off all his clothes and became invisible. He did not have any other choice to save himself.
12.Why was Mrs Hall hysterical and fell down the stairs?       
Ans. When Mrs Hall went to see the invisible man in his room, she found the bedroom chair became alive, springing into the air, it charged straight into her. Then the chair pushed both husband and wife out of the room. She felt that spirits have entered into her furniture and she became hysterical.
13. What did he do inside the shop?
Ans. Inside the London store, Griffin wore woollen clothes. He wore shoes, an overcoat and a hat. He ate cold meat and drank coffee. He enjoyed sweets and wine also. Then he slept on a pile of quilts.
14. What happened when Griffin didn’t wake up in time?
Ans. Griffin entered a big London store. There he slept on a pile of quilts. The next morning he did not wake up in time. The shop assistants opened the door. They found Griffin sleeping.
15. How did he escape from the London store?
Ans. Griffin got up and tried to escape. The assistants ran after him. But Griffin took off his clothes one by one. He became invisible and escaped.
16. What did Griffin do in the shop of a theatrical company?
Ans. Griffin entered the shop of a theatrical company. He wore bandagesaround his forehead. Then he wore dark glasses, a false nose and a big hat. He put side whiskers also. Then he attacked the shopkeeper. He robbed him of his money and came out.
17. Why were the landlord and his wife surprised to see the scientist’s door wide open?
Ans. The scientist always kept his room locked. He got angry if anybody tried to enter his room. So, the landlord and his wife were surprised when they found his door wide open. It was an unusual thing.
18. What did the scientist do when he became furious? Why were the people in the bar horrified?
Ans. The scientist became angry. He took off his bandages, false nose and side whiskers. But he was still wearing his clothes. The people in the bar were horrified when they saw a headless man.
19. What happens to the constable?
Ans. The policeman tried to catch Griffin. But he looked a headless man. Griffin hit the constable. Then Griffin took off his clothes and became totally invisible. The constable was hit by unseen blows. Griffin knocked him unconscious.
20. Why did Griffin set the house of the landlord on fire?
Ans. Griffin was a lawless man. His landlord disliked him. He tried to eject him from his house. Griffin became angry. He wanted to take revenge upon him. So he set fire to his house.
21. What reason did Griffin give Mrs Hall for coming to Iping?
Ans. Griffin told Mrs. The hall that he had come to Iping for having rest. He said that he did not want to be disturbed in his work. He told her that his face had been affected in an accident.
22. What did Griffin do in the house of the clergyman?
Ans. Griffin ran short of money. He decided to steal it from the clergyman’s house. He entered the house invisibly and stole money from his desk.
23. How did Griffin become a homeless wanderer without clothes?
Ans. Griffin was a lawless scientist. He wanted to take revenge on his landlord. He set his house on fire. Then he took some rare drugs. He became invisible. He took off his clothes and came out. Thus he became a homeless wanderer without clothes.
24. Why was the time bad for Griffin, the scientist, to become invisible?
Ans. Griffin removed his clothes and became invisible. It was the month of January. The air was very cold. He started shivering with cold. Thus the time was bad for Griffin to become invisible.
25. How did Griffin save himself from the cold of January?
Ans. Griffin was shivering with cold. He entered a big store. After some time, the store was closed. Griffin Wore warm clothes. Then he slept on a pile of quilts. Thus he saved himself from the cold.
26. Why was there an empty space above the shoulders even when Griffin was fully clothed?
Ans. Griffin’s body had become totally invisible. He became fully clothed. But the space over his shoulders remained uncovered. Therefore, there was an empty space above his shoulders.
27. What discovery did Griffin make?
Ans. Griffin was a brilliant scientist. He made some experiments to show that the human body could be made transparent. At last, he discovered a rare drug. He took this drug and his body became as transparent as a sheet of glass.
28. Why were the two boys in London surprised and fascinated?
Ans. The two boys in London saw the muddy footprints. The footprints were fresh. But they could not see any man. The footprints moved on. Soon these prints disappeared. So, the two boys were surprised and fascinated.
Q29. Why were the two boys surprised and fascinated?
Ans. The two boys were highly surprised. They saw fresh muddy imprints of a pair of bare feet. They wondered what a barefooted man doing on the steps of a house in the middle of London. They saw only the footsteps but didn’t see the man whose marks they were. As they gazed, a fresh foot mark appeared from nowhere. The boys followed them fascinated. The marks became fainter and disappeared altogether.
Q30. How and why did a brilliant scientist like Griffin degenerate into a lawless and homeless wanderer?
Ans. There can’t be any doubt that Griffin was a brilliant scientist. After all, the man who discovered invisibility of the human body couldn’t be an ordinary person. But he misused the discovery. He utilised it for his petty interests. He indulged in petty thefts, burglaries and beatings of innocent persons. He made illegal and unlawful entries in stores and shops only to feed and dress without paying anything. All these illegal activities made him a lawless person and an anarchist.


  1. Mam pls share extract based questions of the following chapter foot prints without feet
