Saturday 3 August 2019

10th Std A question of trust

10th Std A question of trust

Read the extracts given below carefully and answer the questions that follow :

1. “Then he heard a voice say from the doorway, what is it? A cold or hay fever?”

(a) Who heard whose voice and where?

(b) What is the significance of this question asked by somebody?

(c) What did Horace suffer from?

(d) How did it result in his failure in his robbery attempt at the house at Shot over Grange?

Ans. (a) Horace Danby heard a lady’s voice in the house at Shot over Grange.

(b) She appeared to be concerned about the problem. She wanted to prove that she was the owner of the house.

(c) Horace Danby suffered from hay fever.

(d) The smell of flower made him sneeze. At Shot, over Grange, the flowers betrayed his, presence to the lady in red who posed to be the mistress of the house.

2.”Horace saw them go, and he felt happy in spite of a little tickle of hay fever in his nose.

(a) Who did Horace see ‘go’ that made him happy? How many were there?

(b) Why did Horace forget his discomfort and was pleased?

(c) Why was Horace in discomfort?

(d) How did it herald his presence in the house at Shotover Grange?

Ans. (a) Horace saw the two servants of Shotover Grange go for a movie, leaving the place empty.

(b) Horace was pleased because Shotover Grange was empty and he could rob it.

(c) He was suffering from hay fever.

(d) The pollen made him sneeze. At Shotover Grange, the flowers betrayed his presence to the young lady who posed to be the mistress of the house.

3. She nodded. “I see what an inconvenience it is for you to meet me.”

(a) What was he planning to do?

(b) Is there any truth in what the lady said?

(c) Who is speaking to Horace Danby?

(d) What made ‘the lady in red’ look the real mistress of the house?

Ans. (a) He was planning to break the safe.

(b) Yes, because she interrupted Horace’s robbery attempt and startled him.

(c) Another lady-thief is speaking to him. She has posed herself as the mistress of the ho

(d) The familiar way Sherry, the dog of the house followed her, the confidence and the authoritative voice and the reason for opening the safe — all made her look the real mistress of the house.

4. How foolish people are when they own valuable things, Horace thought. A magazine article had described this house, giving a plan of all the rooms and a picture of this The writer had even mentioned that the painting hid a safe!

(a) What was foolish about people?

(b) How did Horace know about the details of the house?

(c) Where was safe?

(d) Why do you think ‘Horace Danby’ was good and respectable but not completely hon?

Ans. (a) It was foolish of rich people to give all the details of their house and sea/ every

(b) It was given in a magazine article.

(c) The writer of a magazine article had mentioned that the painting hid a safe.

(d) Horace was a good, respectable and successful locksmith. But he used to rob 8 years to get money to buy rare and expensive books.

5.The voice was suddenly sharp. “Why should I? You were going to rob me. If I let you go, you’ll only rob someone else. Society must be protected from men like you.”

(a) Identify ‘I’ in the above lines.

(b) Why was her voice sharp?

(c) What was her opinion about the robber?

(d) Why do you think the lady did not call the police immediately?

Ans. (a) ‘I’ is the young lady.

(b) She posed to be the lady of the house.

(c) She felt that society must protect from men like Horace.

(d) In fact, she herself was a thief and wanted to rob the safe. She only wanted to threaten Horace and use him for her purpose.

6. It was a quiet, kindly voice, but one with firmness in it. A woman was standing in g the doorway, and Sherry was rubbing against her. She was young, quite pretty, and was dressed in red. She walked to the fireplace and straightened the ornaments there.

(a) What does the first line reflect on the woman?

(b) What was her approach to the present situation?

(c) When was Horace confronted with the lady in red?

(d) What did she do at the fireplace?

Ans. (a) She was confident and firm.

(b) She tried to manipulate the situation according to her needs. She posed as the owner of the house.

(c) As Horace was about to open the safe, he heard a voice from the doorway. The voice was of the lady in red.

(d) She straightened the ornaments there.

7. The safe was in the drawing room, behind a rather poor painting. Horace wondered for a moment whether he should collect pictures instead of books. But they took up too much room. In a small house, books were better.

(a) Where was the safe placed?

(b) Why was he in a dilemma?

(c) Why did Horace prefer to collect books?

(d) Do you think intentions justify actions?

Ans. (a) It was behind a painting.

(b) He thought if he should collect paintings rather than books.

(c) Since pictures might take up too much room, he preferred to collect books in his small house.

(d) I do not approve this view. Means and ends both should be good, fair and just.

Short Answer Type Important Questions
Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:

1. How did Horace know all the details of the house?

Ans. Horace had been studying the house for the past two weeks. Moreover, a magazine article had described this house, giving a plan of all the rooms and a picture of the room. There were also the details of the safe hidden behind the safe.

2.How did Horace fulfil his desire of reading books after he was arrested?

Ans. After Horace was arrested, he became the assistant librarian in the prison and fulfilled his desire of reading books.

3. Though Horace planned everything meticulously, why did he fail?

Ans. Though Horace planned everything meticulously; he failed led because of the smart lady. She posed herself to be the owner of the house and convinced him to open the shelf as she had “not the password of the shelf. Horace got trapped in her plot.

4. How did the flowers cause him trouble?

Ans. Horace Danby had an allergy for flowers, especially during pollen season. Who flowers are nearby, he got sneezing. The only cure for it was to stay away from those path flowers.

5. What was Horace Danby’s hobby? How did he manage to fulfil his hobby?

Ans. Horace’s only hobby was to read expensive and rare books. He used to rob a safe every year in order to arrange money for his hobby. He used to get those books from an agent.

6. How did the lady spoil his plan?

Ans. The lady posed as the owner of the house in front of Horace. Horace got scared and believed her. She asked him to open the safe as she had forgotten the password. Horace opened the safe and handed over the jewels to her. Hence, Horace’s plan of robbing the safe was spoiled.

7. Why did the lady report to the police though she promised that she would not report to the police?   

Ans. The lady was very clever and shrewd. She promised Horace that she would not report to the police if he would help her in getting the jewels from the safe. Horace broke the safe and helped her. But she didn’t keep her promise as she was also a thief and did not want to get into trouble.

8. How did Horace enter Shot over Grange?

Ans. Horace had seen the housekeeper hang the key in the hook outside the kitchen door. He came out from behind the garden wall. He put on his gloves, took the key and opened the door of the kitchen and entered Shot over Grange.

9. Who is the real culprit in this story, the lady or Horace? How did he/she manage to rob the safe without leaving a single fingerprint?

Ans. In this story, the real culprit is the young lady. She managed to trick Horace for breaking the safe for her. She did not even touch the safe herself. She managed to get all the jewels. She had to do no physical exercise for this. In this way, she managed to rob the safe without leaving a single fingerprint.

10. What do you think is the meaning of the phrase ‘honour among thieves’?

Ans. The phrase ‘honour among thieves’ means that thieves have their code of conduct. One thief is honest to the other thief. They never betray one another.

11. Which of the two lacked honour?

Ans. Among the two the young lady lacked honour. She came face to face with a thief, still, she tricked ‘him. But Horace did not know that she was a thief. She got all the jewels. She went free but poor Horace was arrested. It was against the profession of thieves.

12. Describe Horace Danby.

Ans. Horace Danby was a good and respectable citizen. He was about fifty years old, but he was unmarried. He was a locksmith. He was very successful in his business. He was usually very well and healthy except for attacks of hay fever. But he was not completely honest.

13. How did Horace Danby manage to get rare and expensive books?

Ans. Horace Danby loved rare and expensive books. He bought them secretly through an agent. But for this, he had to rob a safe every year because he had not enough money to buy these books. In this way, he managed to get these rare and expensive books.

14. What did the young lady ask Horace to do for her?

Ans. The young lady told Horace that she had come there to take the jewels from the safe. She said that she had to wear them that night at a party. She made an excuse of forgetting the number to open the safe. So she compelled Horace to break open the safe for her if not she would tell the police everything about him.

15. What story did Horace tell the police when he was arrested?

Ans. He told the police that he had not stolen any jewels. He said that he broke open the safe for the young wife of the owner of the house. But the wife was herself an old lady of about sixty with grey-hair. So, none believed his story.

16. Why is Horace Danby described as good and respectable but not completely honest?

Ans. Horace Danby was a good person. He made locks. He was very successful in his business. He had engaged two helpers in his business. But he was not completely honest because he robbed a safe every year.

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